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Statistical Evidence sentence examples within Provide Statistical Evidence

A Descriptive Study to Assess the Prevalence of Nomophobia and Knowledge and Effect of Using Smart Phone among College Students in Selected Colleges of Fatehabad, Haryana, with a View to Develop an Information Booklet

Defining and measuring completion and assessment biases with respect to English language and development status: not all MOOCs are equal

Statistical Evidence sentence examples within Strong Statistical Evidence

The impact of policy timing on the spread of COVID-19

In Vacuo Dispersion-Like Spectral Lags in Gamma-Ray Bursts

Statistical Evidence sentence examples within Find Statistical Evidence

The international spread of COVID-19 stock market collapses

Spectrum of embrittling potencies and relation to properties of symmetric-tilt grain boundaries

Statistical Evidence sentence examples within Found Statistical Evidence

Insomnia is Associated with the Effect of Inpatient Multimodal Occupational Rehabilitation on Work Participation in Workers with Musculoskeletal or Mental Health Disorders: Secondary Analyses of a Randomized Clinical Trial

Functional, psychological and emotional barriers and the resistance to the use of digital banking services

Statistical Evidence sentence examples within Provided Statistical Evidence

ADAMTS1, MPDZ, MVD, and SEZ6: candidate genes for autosomal recessive nonsyndromic hearing impairment.

Развитие умного города на примере проекта «smart aqkol»: концепции и основные направления

Statistical Evidence sentence examples within Robust Statistical Evidence

Collaborative Platform Trials to Fight COVID‐19: Methodological and Regulatory Considerations for a Better Societal Outcome

The Devil and the Dice; Job and Justice: Understanding the Misfortunes of Job in light of Modern Science & Law:

Statistical Evidence sentence examples within Sufficient Statistical Evidence

Cuticular hydrocarbons from ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Odontomachus bauri (Emery) from the tropical forest of Maranguape, Ceará, Brazil

Deep learning based dynamic behavior modelling and prediction of particulate matter in air

Statistical Evidence sentence examples within Clear Statistical Evidence

Solder Joint Reliability Risk Estimation by AI-Assisted Simulation Framework with Genetic Algorithm to Optimize the Initial Parameters for AI Models

Conditional versus Non-Conditional Incentives to Maximise Return of Participant Completed Questionnaires in Clinical Trials: A Cluster Randomised Study Within a Trial

Statistical Evidence sentence examples within Nominal Statistical Evidence

First-Order Correction of Statistical Significance for Screening Two-Way Epistatic Interactions.

Enrichment analysis of GWAS data in autoimmunity delineates the multiple sclerosis-Epstein Barr virus association

Statistical Evidence sentence examples within Insufficient Statistical Evidence

Biologics for psoriatic arthritis: network meta-analysis in review.

Prenatal tobacco exposure and the risk of conduct disorder symptoms in offspring at the age of 14 years: Findings from the Raine Study.

Statistical Evidence sentence examples within Reaching Statistical Evidence

Does Physical Activity Have an Impact on Recurrence Dynamics in Early Breast Cancer Patients?

Impact of Physical Activity on Recurrence Dynamics in Early Breast Cancer Patients

Statistical Evidence sentence examples within Bring Statistical Evidence

Predict COVID-19 Spreading With C-SMOTE

VFC-SMOTE: very fast continuous synthetic minority oversampling for evolving data streams

Statistical Evidence sentence examples within Naked Statistical Evidence

The Problem with Naked Statistical Evidence

An Epistemic Objection to Racial Profiling

Statistical Evidence sentence examples within No Statistical Evidence

Índice de contribución ecológica: Un método simple y confiable para determinar la condición de pastizales: INDICE DE CONTRIBUCIÓN ECOLÓGICA DE PASTIZALES

Effects of an integrated collision warning system on risk compensation behavior: An examination under naturalistic driving conditions.

Statistical Evidence sentence examples within Weak Statistical Evidence

The impact of the DREAMS partnership on HIV incidence among young women who sell sex in two Zimbabwean cities: results of a non-randomised study

No Evidence for a Decrease in Physical Activity Among Swiss Office Workers During COVID-19: A Longitudinal Study

Statistical Evidence sentence examples within Although Statistical Evidence

How Much to Invest, If Any, in Precious Metals? A 21st-Century Perspective

What is the best technique to estimate topographic thresholds of gully erosion? Insights from a case study on the permanent gullies of Rarh plain, India

Statistical Evidence sentence examples within Solid Statistical Evidence

Book review: Pilar Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, Lucía Fernández-Amaya and María de la O Hernández-López (eds), Technology-mediated Service Encounters

Statistically Robust Evaluation of Stream-Based Recommender Systems

Statistical Evidence sentence examples within Improve Statistical Evidence

Exploiting Family History in Aggregation Unit-based Genetic Association Tests

Exploiting family history in aggregation unit-based genetic association tests.

Statistical Evidence sentence examples within Present Statistical Evidence

Mediation effect of students’ perception of accounting on the relationship between game-based learning and learning approaches

Flipped Classrooms and COVID-19 Disruption: Empirical Results

Statistical Evidence sentence examples within statistical evidence supporting

Reporting and Misreporting of Sex Differences in the Biological Sciences

The Impact of Cheering on Sports Performance: Comparison of Serie A Statistics Before and During COVID-19

Statistical Evidence sentence examples within statistical evidence show

A Correlational Study on the Effect of National Crisis on the Mental Health of Students at the Faculty of Nursing, Tripoli Libya and their Academic Performance

Classification of complex verbs and the evolution of the compound verb in Marathi

Statistical Evidence sentence examples within statistical evidence suggesting

Comparative risk assessment of non-communicable diseases by evacuation scenario– a retrospective study in the 7 years following the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident

P44 Direct and Combined Revascularization Versus Indirect Revascularization in the Treatment of Moyamoya Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Statistical Evidence sentence examples within statistical evidence indicate

Plasma Waves Near the Electron Cyclotron Frequency in the Near Sun Solar Wind: Wave Mode Identification and Driving Instabilities

An Empirical Study on Diabetes Depression over Distress Evaluation Using Diagnosis Statistical Manual and Chi-Square Method

Statistical Evidence sentence examples within statistical evidence suggest

The Psychology and Parapsychology of Spiritual Emergency

Pain sensitivity increases more in younger runners during an ultra-marathon

Statistical Evidence sentence examples within statistical evidence exist

Precariousness in Norway and Sweden: a comparative register-based study of longstanding precarious attachment to the labour market 1996–2015

The digital habitus of the unwedded emerging adults: a sociological interpretation of male-female differences in Facebook behavior

Long-term Intake of Gluten and Cognitive Function Among US Women

Why fairness cannot be automated: Bridging the gap between EU non-discrimination law and AI

Characterizing swine finishing facility environment and ventilation management

Influence of Environmental Factors on the Presence and Severity of Molar Incisor Hypomineralization

Privacy rights and ‘naked’ statistical evidence

Real-time polymerase chain reaction on filter paper spotted samples: a gateway to molecular diagnosis of invasive bacterial diseases for rural areas in low-income countries.

Why Green and Blue Spaces Matter More Than Ever

The Aging Surgeon: Evidence and Experience.

DeepWL: Robust EPID based Winston-Lutz analysis using deep learning, synthetic image generation and optical path-tracing.

The Relationship between Multiple Intelligences and Participation Rate in Extracurricular Activities of Students from a Catholic Education Institution