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Spinning Object sentence examples within Gravitating Spinning Object

N3LO gravitational spin-orbit coupling at order G4

Gravitational cubic-in-spin interaction at the next-to-leading post-Newtonian order

A phase-to-intensity strategy of angular velocity measurement based on photonic orbital angular momentum

Quadratic-in-spin Hamiltonian at $$ \mathcal{O} $$(G2) from scattering amplitudes

New Spin on LIGO-Virgo Binary Black Holes.

The Morphology of the Spiral Galaxies: Encoded Information on the Origin and Evolution Mechanisms

PICO: Procedural Iterative Constrained Optimizer for Geometric Modeling

From amplitudes to gravitational radiation with cubic interactions and tidal effects

The Mathematical Model for the Tippe Top Inversion

Detection of angular acceleration based on optical rotational Doppler effect.

Association of genes with phenotype in autism spectrum disorder

Cascaded rotational Doppler effect.

Influence of lateral misalignment on the optical rotational Doppler effect.

Physics of Gyroscope’s “Antigravity Effect”

Detection of spinning objects at oblique light incidence using the optical rotational Doppler effect.

Removing Spinning Motion from Spherical Video Using a Rotationally Invariant Feature Extractor

Physics of gyroscope nutation

Gravitational waveforms from spectral Einstein code simulations: Neutron star-neutron star and low-mass black hole-neutron star binaries

Online Correction Method for Ratio Methods by Using Geomagnetic Sensors Based on Kalman Filter

Frequency domain model of f -mode dynamic tides in gravitational waveforms from compact binary inspirals

Impact motion control of a flexible dual-arm space robot for capturing a spinning object

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Spinning Object 회전하는 물체

Spinning Object 회전하는 물체
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