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Exploration of sedentary behaviour among general practitioners: protocol for a mixed methods study

Recently-qualified general practitioners’ perceptions and experiences of General Practice Specialty Training (GPST) in deprived areas of NHS Scotland – a qualitative study

Specialty Trainees sentence examples within Higher Specialty Trainees

Do Supervised Learning Events reflect clinical competency and support Trainee in Difficulty identification? Physician Trainees perceptions.

Physician shortage worsened by cuts in job ads and lack of trainees, colleges warn

Specialty Trainees sentence examples within specialty trainees acros

Doctors Are Inconsistent in Estimating Survival after CPR and Are Not Using Such Predictions Consistently in Determining DNACPR Decisions

Do Supervised Learning Events reflect clinical competency and support Trainee in Difficulty identification? Physician Trainees perceptions.

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Specialty Trainees sentence examples within specialty trainees within

Medical app minefield: radiologists use of medical apps for education and reporting and do they require regulation?

G625(P) The creation and pilot of a regional, mixed specialty, child friendly, study seminar programme for out of programme medical trainees, or those recently returned to work


Microaggressions and Implicit Bias in Surgical Training: An Undocumented but Pervasive Phenomenon.

Factors influencing the engagement in research of medical undergraduates and clinical trainees

FRCS General Surgery section-2 examination preparation during COVID-19 pandemic: an innovative and sustainable model.

Providing national level teaching to OMFS specialty trainees in a virtual classroom setting using learning theories of education.

Knowledge retention and usefulness of simulation exercises for disaster medicine - what do specialty trainees know and think?

Research into psychiatry trainees views around the impact COVID-19 has had on the provision of electroconvulsive therapy training

Prevalence, associated factors and prevention of burnout in psychiatry trainees in Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust

O19 Easy-BILAG: a new tool for simplified recording of SLE disease activity using BILAG-2004

How trainee hospital doctors lead work-based projects

Meeting Geriatric Competencies: Are Internal Medicine Residency Programs in New Jersey Meeting Expectations for Quality Care in Older Adults

Understanding the professional satisfaction of hospital trainees in Australia

New docs on the block: A profile of applicants and subsequent PGY1 trainees of categorical general surgery programs (2013-2016).

Improving the working environment for the delivery of safe surgical care in the UK: a qualitative cross-sectional analysis

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Specialty Trainees 전문 연수생

Specialty Trainees 전문 연수생
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