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Specialty Residents sentence examples within Surgical Specialty Residents

A Qualitative Study of Developing Competency in Thyroid Surgery: A Resident’s Perspective With 5 Year Follow Up

The prevalence of sharp injuries in the operative room among surgical residents and their behavior to them in the southern region of Saudi Arabia

Specialty Residents sentence examples within Medicine Specialty Residents

Prevalence and Risk Factors Associated With Sars-cov-2 Infection in Healthcare Personnel of the Spanish Central Military Hospital. Results of a Case-control Study

A Critical Appraisal of Emergency Medicine Specialty Training and Resignation among Residents in Emergency Medicine in Turkey

Burnout Syndrome during Residency Training in Jordan: Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Implications

Gender Gap in Neurology Research Authorship (1946–2020)

Attitudes and practices regarding infection control during root canal treatment among dental practitioners in Saudi Arabia: A cross-sectional study

Career aspirations among specialty residents in France: a cross-sectional gender-based comparison

Comprehensiveness of distributed medical education systems: a regional population-based perspective

Evaluación de competencias en residentes de neumología pediátrica: uso del portafolio electrónico

Exploring How Pediatric Residents Develop Adaptive Expertise in Communication: The Importance of “Shifts” in Understanding Patient and Family Perspectives

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Specialty Residents 전문 레지던트

Specialty Residents 전문 레지던트
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