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Specialty Centre sentence examples within Oncology Specialty Centre

Extended intralesional curettage preferred over resection–arthrodesis for giant cell tumour of the distal radius

Coagulopathies in Pregnancy: What an Obstetrician Ought to Know!

Abstract #1000069: COVID-19: Differential Functioning of an Indian Multispecialty Centre and the Distinctive Outcomes of Endocrino-morbid Patients in the Pandemic Era

Evolution of Indian Units as International Training Centres—the Experience of Plastic Surgery Unit of Ganga Hospital

Assessment of iron status and its correlation with hepcidin in obese adults – A prospective case-control study

Predicting clinical decompensation in patients with cirrhosis using the Hepquant‐SHUNT test

Birthweight and gestational age centiles in South Indian newborns


The patients have spoken; now it is time for us to listen and move the needle forward

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Specialty Centre 전문 센터
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