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Quantum control of solid-state qubits for thermodynamic applications

Optomechanical interface between telecom photons and spin quantum memory

Robust all-optical single-shot readout of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond

Investigation of the Stark Effect on a Centrosymmetric Quantum Emitter in Diamond.

Laserless quantum gates for electric dipoles in thermal motion

Silicon Carbide: From Abrasives to Quantum Photonics

Solid state qubits: how learning from CMOS fabrication can speed-up progress in Quantum Computing

Coherent conversion between microwave and optical photons -- an overview of physical implementations

Control Electronics For Semiconductor Spin Qubits

Learn more from Solid State Qubits 솔리드 스테이트 큐빗

Solid State Qubits 솔리드 스테이트 큐빗

Solid State Qubits 솔리드 스테이트 큐빗
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