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SAT-197 Functional Cross-Talk Between MCP-1 and Integrin Linked Kinase Is Required for Endometriosis Disease Progression

Identification of MΦ specific POTEE expression: Its role in mTORC2 activation via protein-protein interaction in TAMs.

Nod1-mediated lipolysis promotes diacylglycerol accumulation and successive inflammation via PKCδ-IRAK axis in adipocytes.

Contribution of human UDP-glucuronosyltransferases to the antioxidant effects of propolis, artichoke and silymarin.

Lipodendriplexes: A promising nanocarrier for enhanced gene delivery with minimal cytotoxicity

Chicken PRDX3 is required for proliferation of chicken embryo fibroblast cells

Abstract 3034:TP53mutant cell lines selected for resistance to MDM2 inhibitors retain growth inhibition by MAPK pathway inhibitors but a reduced apoptotic response

Reciprocal changes in CD11c+CD11b+ and CD11c+CD8α+ dendritic cell subsets determine protective or permissive immune response in murine experimental VL.

MAL protein stabilizes luminal membrane PLCβ3 and negatively regulates ENaC in mouse cortical collecting duct cells.

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Sirna Mediated Knockdown Sirna 중재된 넉다운

Sirna Mediated Knockdown Sirna 중재된 넉다운
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