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Lineage tracing reveals metastatic dynamics.

Probabilistic Single Cell Lineage Tracing

Multifunctional barcoding with ClonMapper enables high-resolution study of clonal dynamics during tumor evolution and treatment

Scelestial: fast and accurate single-cell lineage tree inference based on a Steiner tree approximation algorithm

A Population-Based Approach to Study the Effects of Growth and Division Rates on the Dynamics of Cell Size Statistics

Systems analysis of hematopoiesis using single-cell lineage tracing.

Deciphering transcriptional and functional heterogeneity in hematopoiesis with single-cell genomics.

Single-cell lineages reveal the rates, routes, and drivers of metastasis in cancer xenografts

Lgr6 marks epidermal stem cells with a nerve-dependent role in wound re-epithelialization.

Imaging cell lineage with a synthetic digital recording system

Overcoming Expressional Drop-outs in Lineage Reconstruction from Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing Data.

An engineered CRISPR/Cas9 mouse line for simultaneous readout of lineage histories and gene expression profiles in single cells

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Single Cell Lineage 단세포 계통

Single Cell Lineage 단세포 계통
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