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Impact of frozen soil processes on soil thermal characteristics at seasonal to decadal scales over the Tibetan Plateau and North China

Dynamical downscaling the impact of spring Western US land surface temperature on the 2015 flood extremes at the Southern Great Plains: effect of domain choice, dynamic cores and land surface parameterization

Simple Biosphere sentence examples within simple biosphere model

Long-term fluxes of carbonyl sulfide and their seasonality and interannual variability in a boreal forest

Validation and development of carbonyl sulfide biosphere exchange in the Simple Biosphere Model (SiB4)

Divergent climate feedbacks on winter wheat growing and dormancy periods as affected by sowing date in the North China Plain

Evaluation of leaf-level optical properties employed in land surface models – example with CLM 5.0

Evaluation of leaf-level optical properties employed in land surface models

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Simple Biosphere 단순 생물권

Simple Biosphere 단순 생물권
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