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Shopping Value sentence examples within Hedonic Shopping Value

Analysis of Impulse Buying Behaviour of Consumer During COVID-19: An Empirical Study

E-retailer cognitive and emotional relationship quality: their experiential antecedents and differential impact on brand evangelism

Shopping Value sentence examples within Utilitarian Shopping Value

Short on Time? Context-Aware Shopping Lists to the Rescue: an Experimental Evaluation of a Smart Shopping Cart

The Influence of Hedonic and Utilitarian Shopping Value Towards Consumer Behavioral Intention Among Youth Mall Shoppers

Shopping Value sentence examples within Customer Shopping Value

The Effects of Customer Learning and Shopping Value on Intention Purchase and Reuse in a Digital Market: The Institutional Trust–Commitment Perspective

Customers as “partial” employees of organizations: good or bad?

Learn more from Shopping Value 쇼핑 가치

Country Differences in Determinants of Behavioral Intention towards Sustainable Apparel Products

A multi-method approach to examining consumer intentions to use smart retail technology

A dual process on shopping well-being across shopping contexts: the role of shopping values and impulse buying

Explaining the comparative perception of e-payment: role of e-shopping value, e-payment benefits and Islamic compliance

Shopping Behavior in ‘Health-Food Stores’: Does It Have a Hedonic Aspect?

Moderating Effects of Shopping Values on the Antecedents of Unplanned Purchase Behavior: An Empirical Study of an International Travel Fair

The mechanism of positive emotions linking consumer review consistency to brand attitudes: A moderated mediation analysis

A Study on the Impact of Shopping Value on Loyalty due to the Activation of Omni-channel Based on Mobile Application by Distribution Companies

Shopping value and patronage: when satisfaction and crowding count

Aku Membelinya Bukan Karena Aku Suka: Bagaimana Nilai (Personal dan Berbelanja) Memengaruhi Tendensi Pembelian Impulsif

The influence of international tourists’ self-image congruity with a shopping place on their shopping experiences

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Shopping Value 쇼핑 가치

Shopping Value 쇼핑 가치
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