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Mapping the Linguistic Landscape of Kuala Lumpur

Global Approaches to Reduce Light Pollution from Media Architecture and Non-Static, Self-Luminous LED Displays for Mixed-Use Urban Developments

Quantifying the impact of trees on land surface temperature: a downscaling algorithm at city-scale

Questionnaire Investigation on the Needs at Fuji City and its Sensibility Analysis Utilizing Bayesian Network

Shopping streets vs malls: preferences of low-income consumers

Bayesian Network Analysis for the Questionnaire Investigation on the Needs at Fuji Shopping Street Town under the View Point of Service Engineering

Shopping Streets and Neighborhood Identity: Retail Theming as Symbolic Ownership in New York

The Past in Public Space.

Enthusiasm, craft and authenticity on the High Street: micropubs as ‘community fixers’

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Shopping Street 쇼핑 거리

Shopping Street 쇼핑 거리
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