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Influence of Mall Shopping Culture on Online Shopping Preferences: An Emerging Economy Perspective using the Technology Acceptance Model

The influence of demographic factors on perceived risks affecting attitude towards online shopping

Influence of Mall Shopping Culture on Online Shopping Preferences: An Emerging Economy Perspective using the Technology Acceptance Model

How to Design Effective AR Retail Apps

Mobile Shopping Adoption: Research Insights

The influence of demographic factors on perceived risks affecting attitude towards online shopping

The geography of online shopping in China and its key drivers

Adoption of E-Commerce by Individuals and Digital Divide: Evidence from Spain

The Perceived Risks Affecting Online Shopping Adoption in Jordan

Barriers to online shopping

Which consumer attributes influence South African consumers to shop online

Consumer behaviour and online shopping: the study of online shopping adoption (with reference to Lucknow city)

Inhibitors of Online Shopping Amongst Higher Education Students

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Shopping Adoption 쇼핑 채택

Shopping Adoption 쇼핑 채택
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