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Sequential Evaluation sentence examples within Three Sequential Evaluation

Decision attributes for disaster recovery planning of transportation networks; A case study

Salvage carbon dioxide transoral laser microsurgery for laryngeal cancer after (chemo)radiotherapy: a European Laryngological Society consensus statement

Metacognition in psychosis: a renewed path to understanding of core disturbances and recovery‐oriented treatment

Changes in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using the Prostate Cancer Radiologic Estimation of Change in Sequential Evaluation Criteria to Detect Prostate Cancer Progression for Men on Active Surveillance.

Common-Mode Voltage Reduction in a VSI Inverter Applying Sequential Predictive Control

Reliability of Serial Prostate Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Detect Prostate Cancer Progression During Active Surveillance: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

Prostate Cancer Screening with Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Results from the Second Round of the Göteborg Prostate Cancer Screening 2 Trial.

The Gynecologic Surgeon’s Approach to Evaluating a Patient With Suspected Endometriosis: A Systematic Review

Non-Deterministic Functions as Non-Deterministic Processes

The Gynecologic Surgeon’s Approach to Evaluating a Patient With Suspected Endometriosis: A Systematic Review

Liver Resection for Patients with Intermediate Stage Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Beyond Rigid Staging Systems Towards a More Personalized Therapeutic Approach


Índice biométrico integral para evaluar el crecimiento fetal

Adjuvant immunotherapy in resected esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: a gospel to the non-pCRs

Editorial comment on “Natural history of prostate cancer on active surveillance: stratification by MRI using the PRECISE recommendations in a UK cohort”

Investigating Principal Working Memory Features in Generalized, Panic, and Social Anxiety Spectrum Disorders

The clinical utility of neostigmine administration in the diagnosis of acquired myasthenia gravis.

Anxiety, avoidance, and sequential evaluation

Enhanced Interrogation, Consequential Evaluation, and Human Rights to Health

Combination and sequential evaluation of acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) and hyponatremia and prognosis in cirrhotic patients.

Critical Evaluation of a Survey Claiming “Long-Term Adverse Outcomes from Neonatal Circumcision”*

Sequential prostate MRI reporting in men on active surveillance: initial experience of a dedicated PRECISE software program.

Re‐examination using newly proposed diagnostic criteria of acute‐on‐chronic liver failure in Japan

Standardized Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reporting Using the Prostate Cancer Radiological Estimation of Change in Sequential Evaluation Criteria and Magnetic Resonance Imaging/Transrectal Ultrasound Fusion with Transperineal Saturation Biopsy to Select Men on Active Surveillance.

Interobserver reproducibility of the PRECISE scoring system for prostate MRI on active surveillance: results from a two-centre pilot study

Utilidad de la quimioterapia con corticoides en la reducción de volumen de las lesiones en fetos con malformación congénita de la vía aérea pulmonar (MCVAP): serie de casos

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Spasticity and Range of Motion Over Time in Stroke Patients Who Received Multiple-Dose Botulinum Toxin Therapy.

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Sequential Evaluation 순차 평가

Sequential Evaluation 순차 평가
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