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Offering Free Upgrades Even before Stocks Run Out: The Value of Proactive Upgrades

Estimating the Demand for Service Bundles under Three-Part Tariffs

Selling Multiple sentence examples within selling multiple item

Robustly-Optimal Mechanism for Selling Multiple Goods

Simple Mechanisms for Profit Maximization in Multi-item Auctions

Robustly-Optimal Mechanism for Selling Multiple Goods

Property rights in the Crypto age: NFTs and the auctioning of limited edition artwork

Offering Free Upgrades Even before Stocks Run Out: The Value of Proactive Upgrades

ECTRIMS 2021 – Oral Presentations

Simple Mechanisms for Profit Maximization in Multi-item Auctions

Estimating the Demand for Service Bundles under Three-Part Tariffs

Dynamic Pricing of a Multiclass Make-to-Stock Queue

Learn more from Selling Multiple 여러 개 판매

Selling Multiple 여러 개 판매

Selling Multiple 여러 개 판매
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