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A comprehensive review on magnetically controllable reactor: Modelling, applications and future prospects

Influences of secondary arc-based grading capacitor of multi-break circuit breaker on the transient stability of power system

Secondary Arc sentence examples within secondary arc extinction

Optimal auto-reclosing time for shunt compensated transmission lines using synchrosqueezing wavelet transform

Simulation Analysis to Investigate Reasons for Failure of Neutral Grounding Reactor

Mechanistic Investigation and Optimization of Photoredox Anti-Markovnikov Hydroamination.

Research on Design Method of Half-Wavelength Tuning Net

Study on the Influence of Injected Lightning Current on the Space-Time Evolution of Secondary Arc

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Research on Secondary Arc Characteristics of EHV Transmission Lines With Fault Current Limiter Based on High Coupled Split Reactor

Study on the characteristics of secondary arc current of UHV high compensation degree TCSC line under the fine-tuning mode

A review of single phase adaptive auto-reclosing schemes for EHV transmission lines

Arcing on Solar Generators by Collection of Ionospheric Plasma Currents

Effects of vegetation on the structure and diversity of soil bacterial communities in the Arctic tundra

Revisiting Interorganizational Trust: Is More Always Better or Could More Be Worse?

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Fault Nature Identification Based on Local End Data for Single Phase Adaptive Autoreclosing Scheme

Optimized energy consumption model for smart home using improved differential evolution algorithm

Aortic cannula orientation and flow impacts embolic trajectories: computational cardiopulmonary bypass

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Performance improvement in long overhead lines associated to single-phase faults due to atmospheric discharges

Adaptive AC autoreclosing scheme in MMC-based hybrid AC/DC transmission

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Adaptive Single Phase Autoreclosing Scheme for EHV Transmission Line

Fast adaptive autoreclosing technique for series compensated transmission lines

Experimental Study of Multiple-Reignition Features of Secondary Arcs on EHV/UHV Transmission Lines

Numerical Modeling of Space–Time Characteristics of Plasma Initialization in a Secondary Arc

Simulation and Analysis of the Railgun Muzzle Flow Field Considering the Arc Plasma

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Secondary Arc 2차 아크

Secondary Arc 2차 아크
Encyclopedia 백과사전