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Second Lyapunov sentence examples within second lyapunov method

Solving the problem of analytical design of the controller for a stationary discrete system with a small step

On the Second Lyapunov Method for Quaternionic Differential Equations

Second Lyapunov sentence examples within second lyapunov exponent

On the second Lyapunov exponent of some multidimensional continued fraction algorithms

Chaos after Accumulation of Torus Doublings

Second Lyapunov sentence examples within second lyapunov approach

Development of Balancing Robot Control System on the Basis of the Second Lyapunov Method with Setpoint-Adaptive Step Size

Method of Maximum Permitted Learning Rate Calculation for Neural Controller of Balancing Robot

Learn more from Second Lyapunov 두 번째 랴푸노프

Second Lyapunov sentence examples within second lyapunov stability

Robust adaptive neural network prescribed performance control for uncertain CSTR system with input nonlinearities and external disturbance

Adaptive Neural-Network Control Design for Uncertain CSTR System with Unknown Input Dead-Zone and Output Constraint

On the second Lyapunov exponent of some multidimensional continued fraction algorithms

Solving the problem of analytical design of the controller for a stationary discrete system with a small step

On the Second Lyapunov Method for Quaternionic Differential Equations

Global dynamics of a SEI epidemic model with immigration and generalized nonlinear incidence functional

A Criterion for the Existence of the Unique Periodic Solution of One-Dimensional Periodic Differential Equation

Chaos after Accumulation of Torus Doublings

Adaptive Speed Control and Self-Commissioning of the Surface Mounted Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors

New AFSMC Method for Nonlinear System with State-dependent Uncertainty: Application to Hexapod Robot Position Control

Development of Balancing Robot Control System on the Basis of the Second Lyapunov Method with Setpoint-Adaptive Step Size

Observation of nonlinear systems via finite capacity channels, Part II: Restoration entropy and its estimates

Method of Maximum Permitted Learning Rate Calculation for Neural Controller of Balancing Robot

Fluctuations of finite-time Lyapunov exponents in an intermediate-complexity atmospheric model: a multivariate and large-deviation perspective

Leader-following consensus for fractional multi-agent systems

Robust adaptive neural network prescribed performance control for uncertain CSTR system with input nonlinearities and external disturbance

Lyapunov Based Reference Model of Tension Control in a Continuous Strip Processing Line with Multi-Motor Drive


Adaptive Neural-Network Control Design for Uncertain CSTR System with Unknown Input Dead-Zone and Output Constraint

Learn more from Second Lyapunov 두 번째 랴푸노프

Second Lyapunov 두 번째 랴푸노프

Second Lyapunov 두 번째 랴푸노프
Encyclopedia 백과사전