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The Parameters Comparison of the “Starlink” LEO Satellites Constellation for Different Orbital Shells

Intelligent Gateway Placement in Satellite-Terrestrial Integrated Network

Max Completion Time Optimization for Internet of Things in LEO Satellite-Terrestrial Integrated Networks

Handoff of Satellite Network for High-Speed Mobile Terminals Based on Edge Computing

Joint Cache Placement and Content Delivery in Satellite-Terrestrial Integrated C-RANs

Energy-Constrained Online Matching for Satellite-Terrestrial Integrated Networks

Cost of Network Slice Collaboration: Edge Network Slicing for In-Flight Connectivity

Secrecy-Energy Efficient Hybrid Beamforming for Satellite-Terrestrial Integrated Networks

Intelligent Reflecting Surface Enabled Secure Cooperative Transmission for Satellite-Terrestrial Integrated Networks

CCOS: A Coded Computation Offloading Strategy for Satellite-Terrestrial Integrated Networks

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Satellite Terrestrial Integrated 위성 지상파 통합

Satellite Terrestrial Integrated 위성 지상파 통합
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