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Dual wavelength optical system for multiple quantum communication transmitters in Cubesat platform


Design and fabrication of silicon immersion grating

Design of load data simulation source

Compact and Narrow-Band Waveguide Dual-Mode Filters for Output Multiplexer in Communication Satellites

SHINe: Simulator for Satellite on-Board High-Speed Networks Featuring SpaceFibre and SpaceWire Protocols

Shielding Effectiveness Measurements on Satellite Microwave Passive Elements Using Reverberation Chamber Test Method

Design of a Reduced SpaceFibre Interface: An Enabling Technology for Low-Cost Spacecraft High-Speed Data-Handling

A Fault-Tolerant Time-Predictable Processor

Chirp Filter Bank for Selective Tracking of Space Objects on Almost Indentical Orbits

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Satellite Payloads 위성 페이로드

Satellite Payloads 위성 페이로드
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