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Identifying Relative Trajectory Geometries at Collinear Libration Points Using Genetic Algorithms

Efficient Data Uploads to Satellite Formations by Rateless Codes and Adaptive Tracking

Multi-Satellite Relative Navigation Scheme for Microsatellites Using Inter-Satellite Radio Frequency Measurements

Synchronization-based symmetric circular formations of mobile agents and the generation of chaotic trajectories

SDRE Control with Nonlinear J2 Perturbations for Nanosatellite Formation Flying

Hemorragia cerebral espontânea como manifestação inicial de glioma multicêntrico / Spontaneous cerebral haemorrhage as an initial manifestation of multicentric glioma

Safe trajectory design and pose estimation for target monitoring in GEO

Efficient Multi-Satellite Downlinks for Earth Observation Data Based on Distributed Arithmetic Coding

Orbital Angular Momentum Waves Multiplexing Transmission Experiment Based on Pseudo-Coplanar Scheme

Formation of a Satellite Navigation System Using X-Ray Pulsars

Optimization of the control system for collecting a group of vehicles

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Satellite Formations 위성 형성

Satellite Formations 위성 형성
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