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Satellite Attitude sentence examples within Automatic Satellite Attitude

Satellite imagery of lengthy territories with complex configuration with the account of attitude and positioning errors

Simulated satellite imagery of lengthy territories with complex configuration

Satellite Attitude sentence examples within Small Satellite Attitude

TRIAD+Filtering Approach for Complete Magnetometer Calibration

High-Precision Permaent Magent Motor Design for Satellite Attitude Control with High Torque Density and Low Torque Ripple

Satellite Attitude sentence examples within Flexible Satellite Attitude

Comparison of the Satellite Attitude Control System Design using the H∞ Method and H∞/MLI with Pole Allocation Considering the Parametric Uncertainty

Nonlinear Dynamic Observer Design of Flexible Satellite Attitude Maneuver: A Sum-of-Squares Approach

Learn more from Satellite Attitude 위성 자세

Satellite Attitude sentence examples within Geostationary Satellite Attitude

An implementation of optimal control methods (LQI, LQG, LTR) for geostationary satellite attitude control

Adaptive Fuzzy PID Control Strategy for Spacecraft Attitude Control

Satellite Attitude sentence examples within satellite attitude control

Data-Driven Fault Symptoms Generation and Augmentation for Satellite Attitude Control System

Design of Active PWM Control Driver Circuit for Torquer System Using CCII

Satellite Attitude sentence examples within satellite attitude determination

Developments of attitude determination and control system of microsats: A survey

An Extreme Learning Machine Correction Network for High Precision Satellite Attitude Determination

Satellite Attitude sentence examples within satellite attitude estimation

A Satellite Attitude Determination Method Based on Error Compensation

Attitude filtering for nanosatellites: A comparison of different approaches under model uncertainties

Satellite Attitude sentence examples within satellite attitude maneuver

Neural networks approximation for sub-optimal gains of a nonlinear satellite attitude controller

Application of Sum of Squares Method in Nonlinear H∞ Control for Satellite Attitude Maneuvers

Satellite Attitude sentence examples within satellite attitude tracking

Robust PD+ Control Algorithm for Satellite Attitude Tracking for Dynamic Targets

Satellite Attitude Tracking Decision Method based on Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient for Moving Target Observation

Satellite Attitude sentence examples within satellite attitude dynamic

Geometric robust adaptive control for satellite attitude tracking with reaction wheels

Fast real-time SDRE controllers using neural networks.

Satellite Attitude sentence examples within satellite attitude parameter

Extended Kalman Filter Based Estimations for Satellite Attitude Control System

Full attitude state reconstruction of tumbling space debris TOPEX/Poseidon via light-curve inversion with Quanta Photogrammetry

Satellite Attitude sentence examples within satellite attitude program

Satellite imagery of lengthy territories with complex configuration with the account of attitude and positioning errors

Simulated satellite imagery of lengthy territories with complex configuration

Satellite Attitude sentence examples within satellite attitude propagator

Pengendalian 3-Axis Reaction Wheel Satelit LAPAN-TUBSAT A1 Menggunakan Kendali PID Teroptimasi Algoritma Genetika

Attitude Analysis of Small Satellites Using Model-Based Simulation

Satellite Attitude sentence examples within satellite attitude stability

Design and Analysis of Radiometric Calibration Mission in-orbit for Environment and Disasters Monitoring Satellite

Modelling and Mitigation of Dual-Axis Antenna-Induced Disturbances on Spacecraft

Satellite Attitude sentence examples within satellite attitude jitter

Jitter Detection and Image Restoration Based on Generative Adversarial Networks in Satellite Images

Optical metrology terminal for satellite-to-satellite laser ranging

Satellite Attitude sentence examples within satellite attitude datum

Transient Attitude Motion of TNS-0#2 Nanosatellite during Atmosphere Re-Entry

Development of remote sensing satellite attitude visualization simulator: mechanical design

Impact of GPS/BDS Satellite Attitude Quaternions on Precise Point Positioning with Ambiguity Resolution

Exchanging satellite attitude quaternions for improved GNSS data processing consistency

Study of the accuracy provided by small satellite attitude determination & control system

Joint Estimation of Satellite Attitude and Size Based on ISAR Image Interpretation and Parametric Optimization

Newspace SAR Constellation for Low Latency Applications

On-orbit MTF test method of GEO optical satellite based on random phase sampling of critical linear targets

Decentralized Control of Nanosatellite Tetrahedral Formation Flying Using Aerodynamic Forces

Geomagnetic disturbance effects on satellite attitude estimation

Quasi-time-optimal steering law for low-thrust orbit transfer considering angular momentum and torque constraints

A Novel Approach for Pivot-based Sensor Fusion of Small Satellites

Satellite disturbance detection and rejection with control moment gyros

Accuracy Evaluation on Geolocation of the Chinese First Polar Microsatellite (Ice Pathfinder) Imagery

Study on Enlarging the Searching Scope of Staring Area and Tracking Imaging of Dynamic Targets by Optical Satellites

The Attitude Control Algorithm of Agile Optical Satellite Oriented to Nonparallel-Ground-Track-Imaging

Attitude Estimation for Space Targets by Exploiting the Quadratic Phase Coefficients of Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery

CHAMP and GOCE thermospheric wind characterization with improved gas-surface interactions modelling

High Precision Attitude Control of Space Maneuvering Platform Based on Model Predictive and Inversive Method*

Attitude Control of Staring-Imaging Satellite Using Permanent Magnet Momentum Exchange Sphere

Robust formation flying control for a team of satellites subject to nonlinearities and uncertainties

The Research on the Space-Time Variation of Phase Imbalance for GF-3 Azimuth Multichannel Mode

Aircraft target detection using multimodal satellite-based data

A Satellite Autonomous Navigation Semi-physical Simulation System Based on Multi-target Optical Sensor

Huber Second-order Variable Structure Predictive Filter for Satellites Attitude Estimation

Debris Collision Avoidance by Means of Attitude Control – In-Flight Demonstration with TET-1

Satellite Attitude 위성 자세

Satellite Attitude 위성 자세
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