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Rna Identification sentence examples within Circular Rna Identification

CircNet: an encoder–decoder-based convolution neural network (CNN) for circular RNA identification

Identification of Circular RNAs by Multiple Displacement Amplification and Their Involvement in Plant Development.

Rna Identification sentence examples within Viral Rna Identification

Diagnostic tools and automated decision support systems for COVID-19

Different epidemiological profiles in patients with Zika and dengue infection in Tapachula, Chiapas in Mexico (2016–2018): an observational, prospective cohort study

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Rna Identification sentence examples within 2 Rna Identification

Can HbA1c levels be used as an independent marker of mortality and morbidity risk in patients with COVID-19 positive swabs?

A Retrospective Observational Study: Is Absolute Lymphocyte Count a Prognostic Marker in COVID-19?

Rna Identification sentence examples within rna identification method

CL-PMI: A Precursor MicroRNA Identification Method Based on Convolutional and Long Short-Term Memory Networks

Computational methods for the ab initio identification of novel microRNA in plants: a systematic review

Rna Identification sentence examples within rna identification pipeline

Analysis of mRNA and Long Non-Coding RNA Expression Profiles in Developing Yorkshire Pig Spleens

Identification of mRNA and Long Non-Coding RNA Expression Profiles in Developing Yorkshire Pig Spleens

Rna Identification sentence examples within rna identification showed

Association of Mycoplasma Hominis and head and neck cancer with unknown primary.

Integrated mRNA and small RNA sequencing reveals microRNA regulatory network associated with internode elongation in sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.)

Rna Identification sentence examples within rna identification swab

Can HbA1c levels be used as an independent marker of mortality and morbidity risk in patients with COVID-19 positive swabs?

A Retrospective Observational Study: Is Absolute Lymphocyte Count a Prognostic Marker in COVID-19?

A compact fiber-integrated optofluidic platform for highly specific microRNA Förster resonance energy transfer detection.

Functional Annotation of MicroRNAs Using Existing Resources.

Contrasting origins, expression patterns and functions of circRNAs between salt-sensitive and salt-tolerant poplars

Experimental Strategies for Studying the Function of Plant CircRNAs.

A systematic evaluation of the computational tools for lncRNA identification.

Profiling of miRNAs in Bhut Jolokia (Capsicum chinense) and Kon Jolokia (C. frutescens) of Northeast India

miRNAFinder: A Comprehensive Web Resource for Plant Pre-microRNA Classification

DeepCPP: a deep neural network based on nucleotide bias information and minimum distribution similarity feature selection for RNA coding potential prediction

MicroRNA-33b is a Potential Non-Invasive Biomarker for Response to Atorvastatin Treatment in Chilean Subjects With Hypercholesterolemia: A Pilot Study

Application of fluorescent turn-on aptamers in RNA studies.

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Salient Features, Data and Algorithms for MicroRNA Screening from Plants: A Review on the Gains and Pitfalls of Machine Learning Techniques

Computational Methods for Elucidating Gene Expression Regulation in Bacteria

Integrative lncRNA landscape reveals lncRNA-coding gene networks in the secondary cell wall biosynthesis pathway of moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis)

Pan-Genome miRNomics in Brachypodium

mirMachine: A One-Stop Shop for Plant miRNA Annotation.

Computational Identification of ceRNA and Reconstruction of ceRNA Regulatory Network Based on RNA-seq and Small RNA-seq Data in Plants.

Encoding DNA Frameworks for Amplified Multiplexed Imaging of Intracellular microRNAs.

Optimized protocol for tRNA identification in the ribosomal complexes from human cell lines

Data integration and evolutionary analysis of long non-coding RNAs in 25 flowering plants

Protocol Variations in Run-On Transcription Dataset Preparation Produce Detectable Signatures in Sequencing Libraries

Progress in understanding salt stress response in plants using biotechnological tools.

Detecting of Functional Short Non-Coding RNAs using Bioinformatics Methods in Sheep and Goat

SPAAC-NAD-seq, a sensitive and accurate method to profile NAD+-capped transcripts

The Systematic Analysis of lncRNA Expression in Ebola-infected Human Macrophages

Identification and Characterization of Plant Circular RNAs.

Attention-Based Deep Multiple Instances Learning For Classifying Circular RNA and Other Long Non-Coding RNA

Role of mammalian long non-coding RNAs in normal and neuro oncological disorders.

Single molecule, full-length transcript sequencing provides insight into the TPS gene family in Paeonia ostii

The bioinformatics toolbox for circRNA discovery and analysis

SARS-CoV-2 Subgenomic RNAs: Characterization, Utility, and Perspectives

Liquid Biopsy in Cervical Cancer: Hopes and Pitfalls

Sensitive, reliable and robust circRNA detection from RNA-seq with CirComPara2.

Attention-based deep multiple instances learning for classifying circular RNA and other long non-coding RNA

FexRNA: Exploratory Data Analysis and Feature Selection of non-coding RNA.

microRNA Utilize as a Potential Tool for Stress Tolerance in Plants

On a stake-out: Mycobacterial small RNA identification and regulation

Identification of Novel lincRNA and Co-Expression Network Analysis Using RNA-Sequencing Data in Plants.

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RAP1 Downregulation by miR-320c Reduces Platelet Activation in Ex-vivo Storage.

Redefining the Small Regulatory RNA Transcriptome in Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 2 Strain D39.

An Easy-to-Follow Pipeline for Long Noncoding RNA Identification: A Case Study in Diploid Strawberry Fragaria vesca.

LncDisAP: a computation model for LncRNA-disease association prediction based on multiple biological datasets

In Vitro Probiotic Potential of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Aguamiel and Pulque and Antibacterial Activity Against Pathogens

Generation of a multiplex mutagenesis population via pooled CRISPR‐Cas9 in soya bean

Analysis of long non-coding RNA expression in hemophilia A patients

Statistical principle-based approach for recognizing and normalizing microRNAs described in scientific literature

Roles of Non-Coding RNAs in Normal Human Brain Development, Brain Tumor, and Neuropsychiatric Disorders

Molecular signature of selective microRNAs in Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus 1758):a computational approach

Bioinformatics Approaches to Studying Plant Long Noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs): Identification and Functional Interpretation of lncRNAs from RNA-Seq Data Sets.

miRandb: A Metadatabase of Online Resources of miRNA and miRNA Targets.

Customized hepatocellular carcinoma prediction panel

PmiREN: a comprehensive encyclopedia of plant miRNAs

The evolution of long noncoding RNA acceptance in prostate cancer initiation and progression, and its clinical utility in disease management.

Evaluation of deep learning in non-coding RNA classification

Validation of Short-Term Blood Glucose Prediction Algorithms

Integrated Analysis of Small RNA, Transcriptome and Degradome Sequencing Provides New Insights into Floral Development and Abscission in Yellow Lupine (Lupinus luteus L.)

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Abstract B025: Multiplex three-dimensional mapping of mRNA and protein in the tumor microenvironment

Trends in the development of miRNA bioinformatics tools

LncFinder: an integrated platform for long non-coding RNA identification utilizing sequence intrinsic composition, structural information and physicochemical property

Versatile interactions and bioinformatics analysis of noncoding RNAs

Exploration of indigenous free nitrogen-fixing bacteria from rhizosphere of Vigna radiata for agricultural land treatment

Evaluation of deep-learning-based lncRNA identification tools

miPIE: NGS-based Prediction of miRNA Using Integrated Evidence

More Rna Identification RNA 식별 sentence examples

Collection of Mitochondrial tRNA Sequences and Anticodon Identification for Acheta domesticus

Discovery and functional annotation of novel microRNAs in the porcine genome by using a semi-supervised transductive learning approach.

Reference-Based Identification of Long Noncoding RNAs in Plants with Strand-Specific RNA-Sequencing Data.

Isolation of Thermophilic Enzyme-producing Parageobacillus Bacteria from Chipped Woody Waste

More Rna Identification RNA 식별 sentence examples

Molecular epidemiology analysis of Brucella in ticks in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region

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Rna Identification RNA 식별

Rna Identification RNA 식별
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