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Risk Mitigation sentence examples within early warning system

New insights on rainfall triggering flow-like landslides and flash floods in Campania (Southern Italy)

Understanding and Reducing Landslide Disaster Risk: Volume 3 Monitoring and Early Warning

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within supply chain risk

Incorporating the risk of knowledge loss in supply chain risk management

Modifications to global supply chain management strategies resulting from recent trade disruptions: an exploratory study

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within prescription drug monitoring

How Do Clinicians of Different Specialties Perceive and Use Opioid Risk Mitigation Strategies? A Qualitative Study

Academic detailing increases prescription drug monitoring program use among primary care practices.

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within water resource management

Seasonality of precipitation extremes and their connections with large-scale climate patterns over the contiguous United States

Multi-step rainfall forecasting using deep learning approach

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within land use planning

GIS-Based Landslide Susceptibility Mapping for Land Use Planning and Risk Assessment

IdroGEO: A Collaborative Web Mapping Application Based on REST API Services and Open Data on Landslides and Floods in Italy

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Flood Risk Mitigation

Monitoring land subsidence and element at risk in the Po Delta area (Northern Italy) through MT-InSAR and GNSS surveys

Seasonality of precipitation extremes and their connections with large-scale climate patterns over the contiguous United States

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Disaster Risk Mitigation

Inundation simulation of different return periods of storm surge based on a numerical model and observational data

Barren Island volcanism and seismicity: An intriguing finding

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Seismic Risk Mitigation

Review of Seismic Risk Mitigation Policies in Earthquake-Prone Countries: Lessons for Earthquake Resilience in the United States

Computer-Aided Decision Making for Regional Seismic Risk Mitigation Accounting for Limited Economic Resources

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Effective Risk Mitigation

A stochastic assessment to quantify the risk of introduction of African swine fever virus to Taiwan via illegal pork products carried by international travellers.

Cardiovascular risk assessment in multiple myeloma patients undergoing carfilzomib therapy: a new risk prediction model for cardiovascular adverse events

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Potential Risk Mitigation

Suicide Bombing Terrorism.

IRF7-Associated Immunophenotypes Have Dichotomous Responses to Virus/Allergen Coexposure and OM-85-Induced Reprogramming

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Wildfire Risk Mitigation

Balancing Wildfire Risk and Power Outages Through Optimized Power Shut-Offs

Assessing the wildfire activity in protected areas of the Amazon basin

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within 19 Risk Mitigation

Changes in Oral Health Policies and Guidelines During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The PanSurg-PREDICT Study: Endocrine Surgery During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Possible Risk Mitigation

Research objectives to fill knowledge gaps in African swine fever virus survival in the environment and carcasses, which could improve the control of African swine fever virus in wild boar populations

The Novel Coronavirus and Undocumented Farmworkers in the United States

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Climate Risk Mitigation

Balancing risk: Generation expansion planning under climate mitigation scenarios

Balancing Health, Economy and Climate Risk in a Multi-Crisis

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Specific Risk Mitigation


Adversarial strategic competition between China and the United States: understanding and mitigating its risks

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Develop Risk Mitigation

COVID-19 Planning in United States Youth Sports: a Survey of 1880 Organizations Representing Over 500,000 Youth Athletes.

Resilience assessment at the regional level using census data

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Future Risk Mitigation

Investigating awareness, fear and control associated with norovirus and other pathogens and pollutants using best–worst scaling

Menopause and COVID19 severity: The missing link

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Appropriate Risk Mitigation

Risk of Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer in Association With Use of Hydrochlorothiazide-Containing Products in the United States.

Ethical and practical considerations for mitigating risks to sexual partners during analytical treatment interruptions in HIV cure-related research

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Landslide Risk Mitigation

2-D Cross-Plot Model Analysis Using Integrated Geophysical Methods for Landslides Assessment

More than just technology for landslide disaster mitigation: signatories to The Kyoto Landslide Commitment 2020—No. 3

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Additional Risk Mitigation

Breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 Infections after Vaccination in North Carolina

Cost-Effectiveness of the COVID-19 Test, Trace and Isolate Program in Colombia

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Guide Risk Mitigation

Reassurance of patients with cancer on cancer care continuum: a vital strategy to prevent anxiety of COVID-19 collateral damage

Atherosclerotic event risk and risk reduction therapies among Ghanaian hemorrhagic stroke survivors

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Change Risk Mitigation

Climate Change Vulnerability and Key Adaptation Trajectory of the Regional Economic System

Managing Climate Change Risk: A Responsibility for Politicians Not Central Banks

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Improve Risk Mitigation

Improving Community Resilience and Emergency Plans by Mapping Risk and Preparedness at the Neighborhood Scale

Integrating ecosystem service supply and demand into ecological risk assessment: a comprehensive framework and case study

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Adequate Risk Mitigation

Earthquake-triggered landslide susceptibility in Italy by means of Artificial Neural Network

Towards Ingenious Technology and the Robust Enforcement of Financial Markets Laws to Curb Money Laundering in Zimbabwe

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Chain Risk Mitigation

Exploring the role of artificial intelligence in managing agricultural supply chain risk to counter the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic

PNS12 Can a Reusable Surgical Face Mask Bring Health Economic and Ecological Benefit to a Health System upon the Outbreak of an Emerging Pathogen?

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Support Risk Mitigation

Tuberculosis in persons with sudden unexpected death, in Cape Town, South Africa

First level seismic risk assessment of old unreinforced masonry (URM) using fuzzy synthetic evaluation

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Formulating Risk Mitigation

Evidence of Designer Benzodiazepine Use in Routine Healthcare Urine Drug Specimens.

Analisis Risiko Pada Rantai Pasok Industri Minuman Siap Saji Jus Buah Dengan Pendekatan SCOR-FMEA

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Fire Risk Mitigation

Evaluation of the Legal Framework for Building Fire Safety Regulations in Spain

Fire danger assessment using geospatial modelling in Mekong delta, Vietnam: Effects on wetland resources

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Proactive Risk Mitigation

The Risk of the Population in a Changing Climate over the Tibetan Plateau, China: Integrating Hazard, Population Exposure and Vulnerability

Community Flood Resilience Categorization Framework

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Targeted Risk Mitigation

Longitudinal social network analysis of avian mycobacteriosis incidence in a large population of zoo birds.

Evaluation of Risk Scores to Predict Pediatric Severe Asthma Exacerbations.

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Health Risk Mitigation

Risk based arsenic rational sampling design for public and environmental health management

Lessons learned from China’s mitigation strategies in fighting COVID-19

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Different Risk Mitigation

An agent-based model to simulate inhabitants’ behavior during a flood event

Agent-Based Simulation Model for Investigating the Evolution of Social Risk in Infrastructure Projects in China: A Social Network Perspective

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Injury Risk Mitigation

Epidemiology of injuries in male and female youth football players: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Injury Profile in Women’s Football: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Implement Risk Mitigation

GIS-Based Landslide Susceptibility Mapping for Land Use Planning and Risk Assessment

Tsunami risk perception in Central and Southern Italy, 2021

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Earthquake Risk Mitigation

Seismic behaviour of a mixed iron-masonry church: Santa Maria Maddalena, Ischia

The strange case of earthquake risk mitigation in Istanbul

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Variou Risk Mitigation

The Impact of COVID-19 on Individuals with Hearing and Visual Disabilities during the First Pandemic Wave in Italy

A risk management framework for Gentle Remediation Options (GRO).

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Related Risk Mitigation

Indicator-based approach for the assessment of intrinsic physical vulnerability of the built environment to hydro-meteorological hazards: Review of indicators and example of parameters selection for a sample area

A Review on Security of Smart Farming and Precision Agriculture: Security Aspects, Attacks, Threats and Countermeasures

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Term Risk Mitigation

Integration of InSAR and ground-based geophysical measurements to study an area prone to quick-clay landslide in Sweden

Playing Against the Board: Rolling Horizon Evolutionary Algorithms Against Pandemic

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Societal Risk Mitigation

Determinants of enhanced vulnerability to Covid-19 in U.K. cancer patients: Results from the OnCovid study.

The effect of clinical decision making for initiation of systemic anticancer treatments in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in England: a retrospective analysis

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Successful Risk Mitigation

A Study on the Wide-Ranging Ethical Implications of Big Data Technology in a Digital Society

Study on Wide-Ranging Ethical Implications of Big Data Technology in a Digital Society: How Likely Are Data Accidents in the COVID-19 Reality?

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Timely Risk Mitigation

Autonomous mitigation of cyber risks in the Cyber-Physical Systems

Towards Large-area Dynamic Modeling of Landslides Hazard and Risk with Spatiotemporal Point Processes

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Toward Risk Mitigation

A multidisciplinary approach to improve and share the understanding of landslide hazard in mountain environments: the PIURO 1618 disaster

Assessing urban flood disaster risk using Bayesian network model and GIS applications

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Downside Risk Mitigation

Diversifying Diversification: Downside Risk Management with Portfolios of Insurance Securities

Profitability and downside risk implications of site-specific nitrogen management with respect to wheat grain quality

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Safety Risk Mitigation

Power Generation Fire Risk Evaluation Using House of Risk (HoR) Method With an Asset Management Approach

Military and industrial performance: the critical role of noise controls

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Rapid Risk Mitigation


The Hub model: It’s time for an independent summative evaluation

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Fatigue Risk Mitigation

Ensuring That Fatigue is Managed in Oil and Gas Operations

Train drivers’ subjective perceptions of their abilities to perceive and control fatigue

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Recommended Risk Mitigation

Do Urine Drug Tests Reveal Substance Misuse Among Patients Prescribed Opioids for Chronic Pain?

Protocol for evaluating the nationwide implementation of the VA Stratification Tool for Opioid Risk Management (STORM)

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Opioid Risk Mitigation

Perceptions of prescription opioid medication within the context of cancer survivorship and the opioid epidemic

Veteran engagement in opioid tapering research: a mission to optimize pain management

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Establish Risk Mitigation

Hydrometeorological Data-Based Methodology for Navigability Risk Analysis at Waterways: Case Study for Magdalena River

Determining a realistic ranking of the most dangerous process equipment of the ammonia production process: A practical approach

Risk Mitigation sentence examples within Several Risk Mitigation

Development of Strategy and Subtainability of Bank Syariah Mandiri Management in The Face of Covid-19 Pandemic

Evolution of crew safety criteria for future space transportation systems