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Groundwork for Neural Network-Based Specific Emitter Identification Authentication for IoT

Securing the IoT : introducing an evaluation platform for secure elements

A Comparative Evaluation of AMQP, MQTT and HTTP Protocols Using Real-Time Public Smart City Data

Experimental Examination of Component-Differentially-Challenged XOR PUF Circuits

Security and Machine Learning Adoption in IoT: A Preliminary Study of IoT Developer Discussions

Lightweight Continuous Authentication via Intelligently Arranged Pseudo-Random Access in 5G-and-Beyond

Area-Efficient Nano-AES Implementation for Internet-of-Things Devices

Enabling Micro-payments on IoT Devices using Bitcoin Lightning Network

An edge-cloud collaborative computing platform for building AIoT applications efficiently

Behavior-Rule Specification-based IDS for Safety-Related Embedded Devices in Smart Home

Attacking and Protecting Data Privacy in Edge–Cloud Collaborative Inference Systems

Energy-Net: A Deep Learning Approach for Smart Energy Management in IoT-Based Smart Cities

ERAMO: Effective Remote Attestation through Memory Offloading

Lattice-based cryptosystems for the security of resource-constrained IoT devices in post-quantum world: a survey

DevFing: Robust LCR Based Device Fingerprinting

Blockchain enabled Ambient Assisted living for Critically ill Patients

A Randomized Switched-Mode Voltage Regulation System for IoT Edge Devices to Defend Against Power Analysis based Side Channel Attacks

Blockchain-Aided Privacy-Preserving Outsourcing Algorithms of Bilinear Pairings for Internet of Things Devices

Lightweight Cryptographic Protocols for IoT-Constrained Devices: A Survey

Mix Broadcast Network With User Untraceability for Resource-Constrained IoT

P-HIP: A Lightweight and Privacy-Aware Host Identity Protocol for Internet of Things

ML-LGBM: A Machine Learning Model Based on Light Gradient Boosting Machine for the Detection of Version Number Attacks in RPL-Based Networks

Decentralized blockchain based authentication for secure data sharing in Cloud-IoT

SHARE-ABE: an efficient and secure data sharing framework based on ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption and Fog computing

A DDoS Attack Mitigation Framework for IoT Networks using Fog Computing

Towards Secure Fitness Framework Based on IoT-Enabled Blockchain Network Integrated with Machine Learning Algorithms

3-of-3 multisignature approach for enabling lightning network micro-payments on IoT devices

On designing the adaptive computation framework of distributed deep learning models for Internet-of-Things applications

Lightweight and Scalable DAG based distributed ledger for verifying IoT data integrity

Collaborative Validation of Public-Key Certificates for IoT by Distributed Caching

Collaborative Physical Layer Authentication in Internet of Things Based on Federated Learning

Blockchain-based health care monitoring for privacy preservation of COVID-19 medical records

An edge-cloud collaborative computing platform for building AIoT applications efficiently

Bi-GISIS KE: Modified key exchange protocol with reusable keys for IoT security

Identification of trusted IoT devices for secure delegation

Data Analytics and Modeling in IoT-Fog Environment for Resource Constrained IoT-Applications - A Review

Group signature with time-bound keys and unforgeability of expiry time for smart cities

SDN-Enabled Hybrid DL-Driven Framework for the Detection of Emerging Cyber Threats in IoT

State-of-the-Art Software-Based Remote Attestation: Opportunities and Open Issues for Internet of Things

Efficient Noisy Data Transmission Using Denoising Autoencoder in Internet of Things

Characterizing and Mining Traffic Patterns of IoT Devices in Edge Networks

Lightweight Cryptography Algorithms for Resource-Constrained IoT Devices: A Review, Comparison and Research Opportunities

Public Blockchains for Resource-Constrained IoT Devices—A State-of-the-Art Survey

Editorial to special issue on resource management for edge intelligence

Trust Mechanism and Key Management in IoT

An Efficient Signature Scheme Based on Mobile Edge Computing in the NDN-IoT Environment

A Survey on Federated Learning for Resource-Constrained IoT Devices

A Benchmark Study on the Use of WebRTC Technology for Multimedia IoT

Secure and lightweight communication in heterogeneous IoT environments

Joint Optimization of Data Transfer and Co-Execution for DNN in Edge Computing

DeepMDP: A Novel Deep-Learning-Based Missing Data Prediction Protocol for IoT

Voltage Over-scaling-based Lightweight Authentication for IoT Security

Learn more from Resource Constrained Iot 리소스가 제한된 IoT

Resource Constrained Iot 리소스가 제한된 IoT

Resource Constrained Iot 리소스가 제한된 IoT
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