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Representative Community sentence examples within Nationally Representative Community

Testing the BFI-2 in a non-WEIRD community sample

Hormonal contraceptive use in Ghana: the role of method attributes and side effects in method choice and continuation.

Representative Community sentence examples within Large Representative Community

Population-based analysis of sociodemographic predictors, health-related quality of life and health service use associated with obstructive sleep apnoea and insomnia in Australia.

Evaluating the Chichewa version of the London Measure of Unplanned Pregnancy in Malawi: a validation update

Representative Community sentence examples within representative community sample

Coping under a COVID-19 lockdown: patterns of daily coping and individual differences in coping repertoires.

Testing the BFI-2 in a non-WEIRD community sample

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Representative Community sentence examples within representative community survey

SARS-CoV-2 lineage dynamics in England from January to March 2021 inferred from representative community samples

The Problem of Veteran Homelessness: An Update for the New Decade.

Representative Community sentence examples within representative community detection

Improved modularity-based approach for partition of Water Distribution Networks

RobustECD: Enhancement of Network Structure for Robust Community Detection

Association between metabolically healthy obesity/overweight and cardiovascular disease risk: A representative cohort study in Taiwan

Population normative data for three cognitive screening tools for older adults in sub-Saharan Africa

Who falls between the cracks? Identifying eligible PrEP users among people with Sub-Saharan African migration background living in Antwerp, Belgium

Revitalization and Branding of Rural Communities in Cameroon Using a Circular Approach for Sustainable Development—A Proposal for the Batibo Municipality

Age- & sex-specific infection fatality ratios for COVID-19 estimated from two serially conducted community-based serosurveys, Chennai, India, 2020

The exposome in practice: an exploratory panel study of biomarkers of air pollutant exposure in Chinese people aged 60-69 years (China BAPE Study).

Considering Median Dietary Protein Intake Per Kg Body Weight of Representative Non-frail Elderlies in Establishing Protein Recommendation for Community-dwelling Elders? (P01-008-19).

Within-Person Associations Between Financial Hardship and Cognitive Performance in the PATH Through Life Study.

Religious affiliation and major depressive episode in older adults: a cross-sectional study in six low- and middle- income countries

Revival of traditional best practices for rangeland restoration under climate change in the dry areas: A case study from Southern Tunisia

Classification of Urban Forms and Their Relationship with Vegetation Cover in Cache County, Utah

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Representative Community 대표 커뮤니티

Representative Community 대표 커뮤니티
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