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Remotely Operated sentence examples within autonomous underwater vehicle

LAFFNet: A Lightweight Adaptive Feature Fusion Network for Underwater Image Enhancement

A Visual Control Scheme for AUV Underwater Pipeline Tracking

Remotely Operated sentence examples within stereo video system

Fish associations with shallow water subsea pipelines compared to surrounding reef and soft sediment habitats

Fish Assemblages Associated With Oil and Gas Platforms in the Gulf of Thailand

Remotely Operated sentence examples within Underwater Remotely Operated

Design and Fabrication of Under Water Remotely Operated Vehicle

Distribution of macroalgae in the area of Calvi (Corsica)

Learn more from Remotely Operated 원격 작동

Remotely Operated sentence examples within Commercial Remotely Operated

Model based design of a stereo vision system for intelligent deep-sea operations

Underwater navigation using visual markers in the context of intervention missions

Remotely Operated sentence examples within Mini Remotely Operated

Theoretical and Experimental Aspects Regarding the Forced Mounting of a Cylinder Containing the Electronics of a Mini Submarine

Implementation of Roll Control on Mini Remotely Operated Vehicle

Remotely Operated sentence examples within remotely operated vehicle

Using Real-Time Area VOC Measurements to Estimate Total Hydrocarbons Exposures to Workers Involved in the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill.

Unveiling the potential of using a spar-buoy oscillating-water-column wave energy converter for low-power stand-alone applications

Remotely Operated sentence examples within remotely operated underwater

Event-Triggered H∞ Depth Control of Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicles

[Remotely operated underwater vehicles used in water rescue].

Remotely Operated sentence examples within remotely operated robot

HAIROWorldPlugin: a Choreonoid plugin for virtually configuring decommissioning task environment for the robots

A Shared-Control Teleoperation Architecture for Nonprehensile Object Transportation

Remotely Operated sentence examples within remotely operated submersible

Depth- and temperature-specific fatty acid adaptations in ctenophores from extreme habitats.

Two swimming modes in Trachymedusae; bell kinematics and the role of giant axons

Remotely Operated sentence examples within remotely operated referral

Telehealth for Supporting Referrals to Specialized Care During COVID-19.

Telehealth to support referral management in a universal health system: a before-and-after study

Remotely Operated sentence examples within remotely operated gripper

Design and analysis of novel kinematically redundant reconfigurable generalized parallel manipulators

Static Model Based Grasping Force Control of Parallel Grasping Robots with Partial Cartesian Force Measurement

Remotely Operated sentence examples within remotely operated drone

A feedforward neural network for drone accident prediction from physiological signals

Decreasing body lengths in North Atlantic right whales

Remotely Operated sentence examples within remotely operated field

Technology Focus: Intelligent Operations (May 2021)

Evaluation of Barricade® to enhance survival entomopathogenic nematodes on cowhide.

A hybrid underwater robot for multidisciplinary investigation of the ocean twilight zone

Real-time Vehicle Speed Enforcement System

The Automated Crystallography Pipelines at the EMBL HTX Facility in Grenoble.

More Remotely Operated 원격 작동 sentence examples

Development of assistive robotic arm for power line maintenance

Bio-Inspired Soft Robot for Locomotion and Navigation in Restricted Spaces

Remotely Operated 원격 작동

Remotely Operated 원격 작동
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