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Recycled Mortars with Ceramic Aggregates. Pore Network Transmutation and Its Relationship with Physical and Mechanical Properties

Compressive stress-strain model and residual strength of self-compacting concrete containing recycled ceramic aggregate after exposure to fire

Cleaner Production of Concrete by Using Industrial By-Products as Fine Aggregate: A Sustainable Solution to Excessive River Sand Mining

Coupling Influence between Recycled Ceramics and Grazed Hollow Beads on Mechanical Properties and Thermal Conductivity of Recycled Thermal Insulation Concrete

Physical, strength, and microscale properties of plastic fiber-reinforced concrete containing fine ceramics particles

Assessment of four main representative flint facies as alternative storage materials for concentrated solar power plants

Assessment of recycled ceramic-based inorganic insulation for improving energy efficiency and flame retardancy of buildings.

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Recycled Ceramic 재활용 세라믹

Recycled Ceramic 재활용 세라믹
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