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Receptor Availability sentence examples within positron emission tomography

Effects of an Adenosine A2A Receptor Antagonist on Striatal Dopamine D2-Type Receptor Availability: A Randomized Control Study Using Positron Emission Tomography

Striatal dopamine D2-type receptor availability and peripheral 17β-estradiol

Receptor Availability sentence examples within D2 Receptor Availability

Is It Possible to Shift from Down to Top Rank? A Focus on the Mesolimbic Dopaminergic System and Cocaine Abuse

Interactive effects of DRD2 rs6277 polymorphism, environment and sex on impulsivity in a population-representative study

Receptor Availability sentence examples within Dopamine Receptor Availability

Dopamine and glutamate in individuals at high risk for psychosis: a meta‐analysis of in vivo imaging findings and their variability compared to controls

Polymorphism in the ZNF804A Gene and Variation in D1 and D2/D3 Dopamine Receptor Availability in the Healthy Human Brain: A Dual Positron Emission Tomography Study.

Receptor Availability sentence examples within 3 Receptor Availability

No evidence for decreased D2/3 receptor availability and frontal hypoperfusion in subjects with compulsive pornography use

Naloxone precipitated withdrawal increases dopamine release in the dorsal striatum of opioid dependent men

Receptor Availability sentence examples within Opioid Receptor Availability

Association of the OPRM1 A118G polymorphism and Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer: Clinical relevance for alcohol dependence

Impact of chronic migraine attacks and their severity on the endogenous μ-opioid neurotransmission in the limbic system

Receptor Availability sentence examples within D3 Receptor Availability

Stressful life events are associated with striatal dopamine receptor availability in alcohol dependence

Expectation effects on brain dopamine responses to methylphenidate in cocaine use disorder

Receptor Availability sentence examples within Surface Receptor Availability

Monitoring cancer cell surface receptor expression during anti-angiogenesis therapy in vivo

185 Overexpression or CRISPr/Cas9-mediated inhibition of prostaglandin E2 receptors EP2 and EP4 in equine adipose mesenchymal stem cells: implications for cell migration and cellular therapies

Receptor Availability sentence examples within Gabaa Receptor Availability

Inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmitter systems in depressed and healthy: A positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance spectroscopy study

Gaboxadol Normalizes Behavioral Abnormalities in a Mouse Model of Fragile X Syndrome

Receptor Availability sentence examples within Compromise Receptor Availability

Genetic architecture constrains exploitation of siderophore cooperation in the bacterium Burkholderia cenocepacia

Genetic architecture constrains exploitation of siderophore cooperation in Burkholderia cenocepacia

Receptor Availability sentence examples within Type Receptor Availability

Effects of an Adenosine A2A Receptor Antagonist on Striatal Dopamine D2-Type Receptor Availability: A Randomized Control Study Using Positron Emission Tomography

Striatal dopamine D2-type receptor availability and peripheral 17β-estradiol

Excitatory–inhibitory balance within EEG microstates and resting-state fMRI networks: assessed via simultaneous trimodal PET–MR–EEG imaging

Dopamine D2/3 receptor availability in cocaine use disorder individuals with obesity as measured by [11C]PHNO PET.

Multivariate associations between dopamine receptor availability and risky investment decision making across adulthood

Positive association between cerebral grey matter metabolism and dopamine D2/D3 receptor availability in healthy and schizophrenia subjects: An 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose and 18F-fallypride positron emission tomography study

Tax incentives for preceptors of nurse practitioner students in Massachusetts: A potential solution.


Robinow syndrome skeletal phenotypes caused by the WNT5AC83S variant are due to dominant interference with chondrogenesis.

Addressing preceptor shortages with a novel structure of blended ambulatory care rotations.

Invasion of Herpes Simplex Virus 1 into Murine Dermis: Role of Nectin-1 and Herpesvirus Entry Mediator as Cellular Receptors during Aging

An Analysis of Canadian Doctor of Pharmacy Student Experiences in Non-Traditional Student-Preceptor Models

Kinetic Modeling of Radiotracers

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Receptor Availability 수용체 가용성

Receptor Availability 수용체 가용성
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