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An enantiomeric quantitative LC-MS/MS method for tolvaptan and its monohydroxylates in human plasma using a reversed-phase separation procedure.

Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of isochroman-4-one hybrids bearing piperazine moiety as antihypertensive agent candidates.

Study on risk factors of extrapyramidal symptoms induced by antipsychotics and its correlation with symptoms of schizophrenia

DRUG REPOSITIONING: Revisiting the basic psychopharmacological mechanism of action for agomelatine and where it should be classified?

An enantiomeric quantitative LC-MS/MS method for tolvaptan and its monohydroxylates in human plasma using a reversed-phase separation procedure.

Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of isochroman-4-one hybrids bearing piperazine moiety as antihypertensive agent candidates.

Comprehensive QSAR studies reveal structural insights into the NR2B subtype selective benzazepine derivatives as N-Methyl-d-Aspartate receptor antagonists

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Receptor Antagonistic 수용체 길항제

Receptor Antagonistic 수용체 길항제
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