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The Role of Winter Rain in the Glacial System on Svalbard

GPU Support for Automatic Generation of Finite-Differences Stencil Kernels

Efficient real-time hypervolume estimation with monotonically reducing error

XRF technique

A Framework for the Development, Design and Implementation of a Sustained Arctic Ocean Observing System

Sustainable earth observations for the Arctic, the Antarctic and the high-altitude mountain cold regions

Correlating findings from the Central Helmand Archaeological Study (CHAS) with those from previous surveys in the Central Helmand Valley, Afghanistan

Monte-Carlo-Simulationen zur Referenzdosimetrie hochenergetischer Photonen und Elektronenstrahlung in der Radioonkologie

Early start of 20th-century Arctic sea-ice decline recorded in Svalbard coralline algae

Two billion years of mantle evolution in sync with global tectonic cycles

Intermetallic compounds with high hydrogen evolution reaction performance: a case study of a MCo2 (M = Ti, Zr, Hf and Sc) series.

Rapid ARC Radiotherapy in a Patient with Bilateral Breast Carcinoma - 10 Year Follow UP

Muskox status, recent variation, and uncertain future

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