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Radio Vehicular sentence examples within Cognitive Radio Vehicular

LSTM-Based Channel Access Scheme for Vehicles in Cognitive Vehicular Networks With Multi-Agent Settings

Spectrum Handoff Aware AODV Routing Protocol for Cognitive Radio Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

Radio Vehicular sentence examples within radio vehicular ad

Spectrum Handoff Aware AODV Routing Protocol for Cognitive Radio Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

Single-channel slotted contention in cognitive radio vehicular networks

Radio Vehicular sentence examples within radio vehicular network

LSTM-Based Channel Access Scheme for Vehicles in Cognitive Vehicular Networks With Multi-Agent Settings

Joint Impact of Nodes Mobility and Imperfect Channel Estimates on the Secrecy Performance of Cognitive Radio Vehicular Networks Over Nakagami-m Fading Channels

Learn more from Radio Vehicular 무선 차량

LSTM-Based Channel Access Scheme for Vehicles in Cognitive Vehicular Networks With Multi-Agent Settings

Spectrum Handoff Aware AODV Routing Protocol for Cognitive Radio Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

Joint Impact of Nodes Mobility and Imperfect Channel Estimates on the Secrecy Performance of Cognitive Radio Vehicular Networks Over Nakagami-m Fading Channels

Single-channel slotted contention in cognitive radio vehicular networks

Trust management for secure cognitive radio vehicular ad hoc networks

Learn more from Radio Vehicular 무선 차량

Radio Vehicular 무선 차량

Radio Vehicular 무선 차량
Encyclopedia 백과사전