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Radio Signal sentence examples within software defined radio

Ranging On-Demand Microwave Power Transfer in Real-Time

The Radio Monitoring Complex by Continuous Analysis of Energy Spectra of Radio Signals Based on USRP FPGA and LabVIEW

Radio Signal sentence examples within radio access network

ML-Assisted UE Positioning: Performance Analysis and 5G Architecture Enhancements

Functional Split and Frequency-Domain Processing for Fronthaul Traffic Reduction

Radio Signal sentence examples within ultra wideband quasi

Efficiency of Detection of Ultra-wideband Signals Against Additive and Pulse Random Distortions

Distinguishing between Two Ultra-Wideband Quasi-Radio Signals with Unknown Amplitudes and Initial Phases

Radio Signal sentence examples within Modulated Radio Signal

On the Ring Resonator-Based Dispersion Compensation Method for Analog 5G/B5G Mobile Fronthauling

Specific features of the propagation of frequency modulated radio signals in the ionospheric plasma in the presence of local inhomogeneities

Radio Signal sentence examples within New Radio Signal

Experimental comparison of DSB and CS-DSB mmW formats over a hybrid fiber and FSO fronthaul network for 5G.

A bivariate Volterra series approach to modeling and linearization of power amplifiers

Radio Signal sentence examples within Band Radio Signal

Demonstration of 28-GHz Band Radio Signal Transmission into Vehicle by Analog Radio over Multi-Mode Fiber

Daily dependence of x-band radio signal attenuation between geostationary satellite and earth terminals

Radio Signal sentence examples within Fm Radio Signal

Rapid Prototyping and Validation of FS-FBMC Dynamic Spectrum Radio With Simulink and ZynqSDR

FM Based Localization: A Proposed Improvement

Radio Signal sentence examples within Frequency Radio Signal

The review of designs of mirror spacecraft antennas with solid high precision size stable reflector

Variation of electron loss rate due to recombination processes in the upper ionospheric D-region plasma after a solar X-ray flare: a study case

Radio Signal sentence examples within Received Radio Signal

New extensions of Rayleigh distribution based on inverted-Weibull and Weibull distributions

Real-Time Radio Modulation Classification With An LSTM Auto-Encoder

Radio Signal sentence examples within Processing Radio Signal

Estimation of the Effect of Multiplicative Noise on Signal Resolution by the Woodward Criterion

AbstractSDRs: Bring down the two-language barrier with Julia Language for efficient SDR prototyping

Radio Signal sentence examples within Vlf Radio Signal

Diagnostic study of geomagnetic storm-induced ionospheric changes over VLF signal propagation paths in mid-latitude D-region

Long-lasting disturbances in the mid-latitude sub-ionospheric VLF radio signals due to the super geomagnetic storm of 17 March 2015

Radio Signal sentence examples within Transionospheric Radio Signal

The cooperative IGS RT-GIMs: a global and accurate estimation of the ionospheric electron content distribution in real-time

Modeling intermittent fluctuations of transionospheric signals

Radio Signal sentence examples within Investigate Radio Signal

Stable convergence of the algorithm computing the coefficients of the LMS filter suppressing RFI in radio detection of cosmic rays in the Auger Engineering Radio Array

Tests of filters suppressing RFI in AERA radio detection of cosmic rays in real Argentinean pampas conditions

Radio Signal sentence examples within Ghz Radio Signal

Hybrid MDM-PDM Based Ro-FSO System for Broadband Services by Incorporating Donut Modes Under Diverse Weather Conditions

T-shaped microstrip patch antenna for RF communications

Radio Signal sentence examples within Transmitted Radio Signal

Toward High Energy Neutrino Detection with the Radar Echo Telescope for Cosmic Rays (RET-CR)

Clustering Validation for mmWave Multipath Components in Outdoor Transmissions

Radio Signal sentence examples within Block Radio Signal

Passive Antenna Systems Embedded into a Load Bearing Wall for Improved Radio Transparency

3D Simulation Modeling of UAV-to-Car Communications

Radio Signal sentence examples within Observed Radio Signal

Simulation Study of the Observed Radio Emission of Air Showers by the IceTop Surface Extension

γ-ray detection toward the Coma cluster with Fermi-LAT: Implications for the cosmic ray content in the hadronic scenario

Radio Signal sentence examples within Ambient Radio Signal

SMARS: Sleep Monitoring via Ambient Radio Signals

Deep-Learning-Based Occupant Counting by Ambient RF Sensing

Radio Signal sentence examples within Pulsed Radio Signal

Model sub-ionospheric ELF – VLF pulses

Evidence of intra-binary shock emission from the redback pulsar PSR J1048+2339

Radio Signal sentence examples within Use Radio Signal

Design of employee presence system using Radio Frequency Identification technology

Novel Distance Estimation based Localization Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks using Modified Swarm Intelligence Algorithm

Radio Signal sentence examples within Microwave Radio Signal

Characterization of microwave fading over coastal cities of Nigeria

Analysis of methods for measuring the dielectric properties of materials in the microwave range of wavelengths.

Radio Signal sentence examples within Expected Radio Signal

Neutrino direction and flavor reconstruction from radio detector data using deep convolutional neural networks

Deep learning reconstruction of the neutrino energy with a shallow Askaryan detector

Radio Signal sentence examples within Gns Radio Signal

Иллюстрация возможности применения данных ГНСС наблюдений для измерения испарения над водохранилищем на примере Нижнекамской ГЭС

An Illustration of the Possibility of Using GNSS Observations to Measure Evaporation Over a Reservoir Using the Example of Nizhnekamsk HPP

Radio Signal sentence examples within Wideband Radio Signal

Signal processing for a reverse‐GPS wildlife tracking system: CPU and GPU implementation experiences

A USRP-Based Testbed for Wideband Ranging and Positioning Signal Acquisition

Radio Signal sentence examples within Relay Radio Signal

Research and application of satellite communication networks as an alternative to modern communication systems

Daisy Chain Navigation and Communication in Underground Environments

Radio Signal sentence examples within Hf Radio Signal

High Frequency Radio Surveillance System

Triple magnesium ionospheric photometer (Tri-MIP) instrument overview

Radio Signal sentence examples within Generated Radio Signal

The Formation of Signal Construct of Complex Structures with a High Level of Uncertainty in Their Parameters

Polarization Reconstruction of Cosmic Rays with the ARIANNA Neutrino Radio Detector

Radio Signal sentence examples within radio signal strength

Distributed Small Sat Location Verification

Time series classification of radio signal strength for qualitative estimate of UAV motion

Radio Signal sentence examples within radio signal propagation

In-Vehicle Breathing Rate Monitoring Based on WiFi Signals

Research on 5G Wireless Signal Propagation and Coverage Capability for Marine Environment

Radio Signal sentence examples within radio signal modulation

SigNet: A Novel Deep Learning Framework for Radio Signal Classification