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Optimum Cognitive Radio Networks Performance in AWGN using Genetic Algorithm

CCH: a clique based asymmetric rendezvous scheme for cognitive radio ad-hoc networks

Radio Ad sentence examples within radio ad hoc

An integrated service model to support user specific QoS routing in cognitive radio ad hoc network

A Model to Improve the Effectiveness and Energy Consumption to Address the Routing Problem for Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks by Utilizing an Optimized Cuckoo Search Algorithm

Communication Needs for Improved Uptake of Prep and HIVST Services Among Key Populations in Nigeria: A Mixed-Method Study

Recruitment of adults with moderate eczema for a randomised trial: Comparison of traditional versus modern methods.

A Systematic Mapping Study of Digital Marketing and Large Manufacturing Firms: Perspective from Japan


Effective recruitment strategies for African-American men and women: the Nutritious Eating with Soul study.

Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Social Media Advertise Maintenance Menggunakan Pendekatan Object Oriented Methodology

Effects of synthetic agricultural chemicals on health: Views of smallholder farmers in the Ho West district

Single Visit Evaluation and Tympanostomy Tube Placement for the Treatment of Acute Otitis Media in Children.

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Pilot study on the effects of a culturally-sensitive and standard pain neuroscience education for Hausa-speaking patients with chronic neck pain.

Etiologies of genital inflammation and ulceration in symptomatic Rwandan men and women responding to radio promotions of free screening and treatment services

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1620P COVID-19 vaccines and cancer: Tailored information for Australia’s diverse populations

Recruiting Low-Income African American Men in Mental Health Research: A Community-Based Participatory Research Feasibility Study

Exploring the Impact of Traditional Communication Channels on Customer Purchase Decision: A Case Study of University Students in Ghana

Alcohol, Binge Drinking, and Cancer Risk: Accelerating Public Health Messaging Through Countermarketing.

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Diez años de excelencia publicitaria. la radio en el festival de san sebastián-el sol (1996-2006)

Inequidad de género, estereotipos y exclusión de la voz femenina en la publicidad radiofónica en México

Profit-Based Radio Access Network Slicing for Multi-tenant 5G Networks

The Media Handbook : A Complete Guide to Advertising Media Selection, Planning, Research, and Buying

Het effect van monologen en dialogen in radioreclame

Radio Adelaide: A case study of community radio change and resilience within the non-profit industrial complex

Difference in Differences in Marketing Performance Measurement

Rapid assessment of marketing of unhealthy foods to children in mass media, schools and retail stores in Oman.

La población sénior y su percepción de la publicidad: influencia del medio y del emisor

Trick film: Neil Brand’s radio dramas and the silent filmexperience

Marketing Promotion Analysis in Medical Checkup Unit at PMI Hospital in 2011

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Differential radio-adaptive responses in BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice: pivotal role of calcium and nitric oxide signalling

P102 A Follow-Up Outcome Evaluation of a Comprehensive SNAP-Ed Social Marketing Campaign in Louisiana

Persuasion of voices: The effects of a speaker’s voice characteristics and gender on consumers’ responses

Trump’s 2016 Presidential Campaign and Adorno’s Psychological Technique: Content Analyses of Authoritarian Populism

A public health framework for the regulation of marketing

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“Think it. Mix it. Vape it.”: A Content Analysis on E-Cigarette Radio Advertisements

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Radio Ad 라디오 광고

Radio Ad 라디오 광고
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