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A Novel Joint Resource Allocation Algorithm in 5G Heterogeneous Integrated Networks

Base Station Popularity-Based Dynamic Resource Allocation for VNF

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An SDN-Based QoS Guaranteed Mechanism for Geospatial Flows

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A Novel Joint Resource Allocation Algorithm in 5G Heterogeneous Integrated Networks

Improved Resource Allocation and Network Connectivity in CRSN Based Smart Grid for Efficient Grid Automation

Optimal Utility of Vehicles in LTE-V Scenario: An Immune Clone-Based Spectrum Allocation Approach

Base Station Popularity-Based Dynamic Resource Allocation for VNF

Resource Virtualization for Customized Delay- Bounded QoS Provisioning in Uplink VMIMO-SC-FDMA Systems

QoS Guaranteed Load Balancing in Broadband Multi-Beam Satellite Networks

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