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Pumping Technique sentence examples within Axi Pumping Technique

High-order femtosecond vortices converted from a tunable high-order Hermite–Gaussian Yb:CALGO laser

Direct generation of vortex beams from a diode-pumped Pr3+:YLF laser

Pumping Technique sentence examples within Spin Pumping Technique

Rashba-Edelstein magnetoresistance in two-dimensional materials at room temperature

Role of Cu Layer on the Enhancement of Spin-to- Charge Conversion in Py/Cu/Bi2Se3

Pumping Technique sentence examples within Charge Pumping Technique

Quantifying Region-Specific Hot Carrier Degradation in LDMOS Transistors Using a Novel Charge Pumping Technique

Surface Engineering for Enhanced Triboelectric Nanogenerator

Pumping Technique sentence examples within Optical Pumping Technique

Progresses of hyperpolarized 129Xe NMR application in porous materials and catalysis

A Concept for Polarized $^3$He Targets for High Luminosity Scattering Experiments in High Magnetic Field Environments

Pumping Technique sentence examples within New Pumping Technique

Designing a New Artificial Lift Method Using Computational Simulation and Evolutionary Optimization

New Pumping Technique for 2-dimensional VASS

Pumping Technique sentence examples within Trap Pumping Technique

Comparative Study of Cryogenic Versus Room-Temperature Proton Irradiation of N-Channel CCDs and Subsequent Annealing

The silicon lattice defects in proton and gamma irradiated n-channel CCDs

Recent progress on measurement of spin–charge interconversion in topological insulators using ferromagnetic resonance

High power pump and signal combiner for backward pumping structure with two different fused fiber bundle designs by means of pretapered pump fibers.

Laser Performance of a PLD-Grown Yb:LuAG Double-Clad Planar Waveguide

Numerical modeling of methane gas production from hydrate reservoir of Krishna Godhavari basin by depressurization

Investigation of the temporal contrast evolution in a 10-PW-level Ti:sapphire laser facility.

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Pumping Technique 펌핑 기술

Pumping Technique 펌핑 기술
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