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Protein Titin sentence examples within Muscle Protein Titin

Severe thermoregulatory deficiencies in mice with a deletion in the titin gene TTN

Homozygous missense variant in the TTN gene causing autosomal recessive limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 10

Protein Titin sentence examples within Sarcomeric Protein Titin

Elastic titin properties and protein quality control in the aging heart.

Structural diversity in the atomic resolution 3D fingerprint of the titin M-band segment

Protein Titin sentence examples within Giant Protein Titin

Whole exome sequencing in a large pedigree with DCM identifies a novel mutation in RBM20

Resolving titin’s lifecycle and the spatial organization of protein turnover in mouse cardiomyocytes

Learn more from Protein Titin 단백질 티틴

A HaloTag-TEV genetic cassette for mechanical phenotyping of native proteins

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Protein Titin 단백질 티틴

Protein Titin 단백질 티틴
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