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Quaternary Structure Transitions of Human Hemoglobin: An Atomic-Level View of the Functional Intermediate States

Neural relational inference to learn allosteric long-range interactions in proteins from molecular dynamics simulations

The effect of ligand affinity to the contact dynamics of the ligand binding domain of thyroid hormone receptor - retinoid X receptor.

Neural relational inference to learn allosteric long-range interactions in proteins from molecular dynamics simulations

Detection of Catalytically Linked Conformational Changes in Wild-Type Class Ia Ribonucleotide Reductase Using Reaction-Induced FTIR Spectroscopy.

Dynamic allostery-based molecular workings of kinase:peptide complexes

Tuning the “violin” of protein kinases: The role of dynamics‐based allostery

Split Nano Luciferase Complementation for Probing Protein-Protein Interactions in Plant Cells.

Hooked on motility

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Protein Allostery 단백질 알로스테리

Protein Allostery 단백질 알로스테리
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