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Procedures Across sentence examples within Surgical Procedures Across

Global hospital and operative costs associated with various ventral cavity procedures: a comprehensive literature review and analysis across regions

A statewide comparison of opioid prescribing in teaching versus nonteaching hospitals☆

Procedures Across sentence examples within Operating Procedures Across

Harmonization of pipeline for preclinical multicenter plasma protein and miRNA biomarker discovery in a rat model of post-traumatic epileptogenesis

Ambulatory care: to bed, or not to bed

Procedures Across sentence examples within Coupling Procedures Across

Entropy Stable h/p-Nonconforming Discretization with the Summation-by-Parts Property for the Compressible Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations

Entropy Stable p-Nonconforming Discretizations with the Summation-by-Parts Property for the Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations

Learn more from Procedures Across 전체 절차

Procedures Across sentence examples within procedures across multiple

Steps towards international standardization in the assessment and treatment of problematic sexual interests and behaviours

Management of Surgical Incisions Using Incisional Negative-Pressure Therapy.

Procedures Across sentence examples within procedures across three

Global hospital and operative costs associated with various ventral cavity procedures: a comprehensive literature review and analysis across regions

Impact of long-term seaweed farming on water quality: a case study from Palk Bay, India

Procedures Across sentence examples within procedures across study

Harmonization of pipeline for preclinical multicenter plasma protein and miRNA biomarker discovery in a rat model of post-traumatic epileptogenesis

From pattern classification to stratification: towards conceptualizing the heterogeneity of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Procedures Across sentence examples within procedures across variou

A standard universal C-arm language: Assessing its need and its likelihood of acceptance.

Establishment of age-specific reference levels and achievable doses for children and adults undergoing nuclear medicine exams

Procedures Across sentence examples within procedures across clinical

Young-onset dementia: scoping review of key pointers to diagnostic accuracy

Ambulatory care: to bed, or not to bed

Procedures Across sentence examples within procedures across nonconforming

Entropy Stable h/p-Nonconforming Discretization with the Summation-by-Parts Property for the Compressible Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations

Entropy Stable p-Nonconforming Discretizations with the Summation-by-Parts Property for the Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations

Procedures Across sentence examples within procedures across two

Modelling and Validation of Computer Vision Techniques to Assess Heart Rate, Eye Temperature, Ear-Base Temperature and Respiration Rate in Cattle

Experimental proof that multivariate patterns among muscle attachments (entheses) can reflect repetitive muscle use

Oncological Robot-Assisted Gastrectomy: Technical Aspects and Ongoing Data.

A systematic mapping protocol of methods and practices employed in ecological niche modelling of anthrax

Evaluation of e-NAM Adoption: A Case of Jetalpur Mandi, Gujarat

Utilization and reimbursements for sinus procedures: A five‐year analysis

Procedures Across 전체 절차

Procedures Across 전체 절차
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