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Pregnancy Screening sentence examples within Early Pregnancy Screening

Fetal medicine: screening, diagnosis and therapy

Association between first trimester plasma htra1 level and subsequent preeclampsia: A possible early marker?

Pregnancy Screening sentence examples within pregnancy screening practice

Pregnancy screening practices and treatment of pregnant patients among radiation oncologists: results of an international survey

Abstract P6-16-10: Is pregnancy testing during chemotherapy standardized?

The Value of New Fields in the Medical Record for Quality Improvement

High rates of diabetes and pre-diabetes in postpartum period in Indian GDM women

[Prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis infection and a potential perinatal impact in Chilean patients].

Complexities surrounding the diagnosis and management of hypercalcaemia in pregnancy

Late Pregnancy Ultrasound to Screen for and Manage Potential Birth Complications in Nulliparous Women: A Cost-Effectiveness and Value of Information Analysis.

Is it time to adopt routine CMV screening in pregnancy? No!

Late-pregnancy scan for fetal presentation only cost effective in the UK

Pregnancy Screening and Contraceptive Counseling in Young Women with Hodgkin Lymphoma: A Single Center Retrospective Review.

Susceptibility for varicella and factors associated with immunity among pregnant women in a tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka- a cross-sectional study

Glucose screening in pregnancy to predict future cardiovascular risk

Comment on “Pregnancy Screening before Diagnostic Radiography in Emergency Department; an Educational Review”

Do we need post-pregnancy screening with human chorionic gonadotrophin after previous hydatidiform mole to identify patients with recurrent gestational trophoblastic disease?

Recurrent pregnancy loss is associated with a pro-senescent decidual response during the peri-implantation window

Measles in pregnancy: a threat for Italian women?

Comprehensive medical treatment of women with Turner syndrome may improve pregnancy outcomes: A case report

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Pregnancy Screening 임신 검진

Pregnancy Screening 임신 검진
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