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Pregnancy Results sentence examples within Clinical Pregnancy Results

Dynamics of the urinary microbiome in pregnancy and the coincidental predictive value of the microbiota for IVF/IVF-ICSI outcome.

Laser-assisted Hatching Improves Live Birth Rate of Vitrified-warmed Blastocyst Transfer Cycles: a Case Control Study

Pregnancy Results sentence examples within Adolescent Pregnancy Results

Perceptions of secondary school teachers towards school expulsion of pregnant adolescents at Igunga District, Tanzania—a qualitative study

Adverse neonatal outcomes of adolescent pregnancy in Northwest Ethiopia

P–190 Can pregnancy be predicted according to mean infra-red attenuated total reflectance (MIR-ATR) spectrometry of incubation medium of embryos in IVF?: A proof of concept


Extrathymic Aire-expressing cells support maternal-fetal tolerance

Elucidating the Relationship Between Maternal Diabetes and Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: A 2017-2018 Project WATCH Study in Rural Appalachia.

The Clinical Value of 3D Ultrasonic Measurement of the Ratio of Gestational Sac Volume to Embryo Volume in IoT-Based Prediction of Pregnancy Outcome

Predictive factors of fetal and maternal pregnancy outcomes in Japanese patients with systemic lupus erythematosus

The Importance of Cardiovascular Risk Assessment and Pregnancy Heart Team in the Management of Cardiovascular Disease in Pregnancy.

Is there a better evolutionary outcome in a 4-cell tetrahedron embryo?

1517The effect of pregnancy on cardiovascular health in early adulthood: a difference in difference analysis

Pregnancy Inhibits Mammary Carcinogenesis by Persistently Altering the Hypothalamic–Pituitary Axis

Serum Progesterone Profile Across the Mid and Late Luteal Phase in Artificial Cycles Is Associated With Pregnancy Outcome


Gastroschisis: a systematic review of diagnosis, prognosis and treatment.

P–401 Frozen-thawed embryo-transfer adjuvant therapy: one size DOES NOT fit all

Hematologic Findings in Pregnancy: A Guide for the Internist

The impact of antenatal cannabis use on the neonate: Time for open engagement?

Postpartum alterations following inflammation in rat pregnancy: a discovery proteomic analysis.

When special populations intersect with drug–drug interactions: Application of physiologically‐based pharmacokinetic modeling in pregnant populations

Supernumerary embryos, do they show the cycle success in a fresh embryo transfer? A retrospective analysis.

P167 Impact of COVID-19 on adolescent girls and young women in a community-based HIV PrEP programme in South Africa

The Number of Pregnancies and Deliveries and Their Association with Selected Morphological and Hemodynamic Parameters of the Pelvic and Abdominal Venous System

Cohort profile: Prematurity Immunology in Mothers living with HIV and their infants Study (PIMS)

Zinc supplementation for improving pregnancy and infant outcome.

Alterations to Placental Glucocorticoid Receptor Expression with Alcohol Consumption

Pharmacokinetics of darunavir and cobicistat in pregnant and postpartum women with HIV.

O-236 The clinical and morphokinetic factors indicating a risk of pregnancy loss after a euploid embryo transfer

Pituitary disease and pregnancy.

Inflammatory rheumatic diseases and pregnancy.

Effect of Libidibia ferrea bark and seed in maternal reproductive and biochemical outcomes and fetal anomaly in rats

Peripheral and cerebrovascular function during the female lifespan

Is parity a cause of tooth loss? Perceptions of northern Nigerian Hausa women

Smartphone-based prenatal education for parents with preterm birth risk factors.

Genesis of placental sequestration in malaria and possible targets for drugs for placental malaria


Pregnancy alters innate immune responses to Zika virus infection in the genital tract

Breast cancer and ovulation induction

Volumetric Effect of Pregnancy on a Unilateral Facial Fat Graft

Impact of tetanus-diphtheria-acellular pertussis immunization during pregnancy on subsequent infant immunization seroresponses: follow-up from a large randomized placebo-controlled trial.

Iodine status of reproductive age women and their toddlers in northern Ghana improved through household supply of iodized salt and weekly indigenous meal consumption

Association of equine oocyte and cleavage stage embryo morphology with maternal age and pregnancy after intracytoplasmic sperm injection.

Gestational binge alcohol-induced alterations in maternal uterine artery transcriptome.

Anesthetic management of cesarean section in parturients with severe mitral stenosis: A case series

[Establishing Evidence for Appropriate Drug Use during Pregnancy and Lactation].

The aptness of antagonistic protocol in intracytoplasmic sperm injection: Embryologic study

Paternal Smoking in Relation to Sperm Quality and intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection Outcomes

More Pregnancy Results 임신 결과 sentence examples

Prevention of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) and Probiotics: Mechanism of action: A Review.

Dose-dense neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by sentinel node mapping and laparoscopic pelvic lymphadenectomy and simple trachelectomy in cervical cancer: update results

The Physiology of Intrapartum Fetal Compromise at Term.

Prenatal exposure to valproic acid is associated with altered neurocognitive function and neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of male offspring rats

Silencing of maternal hepatic glucocorticoid receptor is essential for normal fetal development in mice.

Alcohol Use in Pregnancy

Single-cell RNAseq uncovers involution mimicry as an aberrant development pathway during breast cancer metastasis

Poorly controlled diabetes during pregnancy and lactation activates the Foxo1 pathway and causes glucose intolerance in adult offspring

Characterization of Adolescent Pregnancy and Legal Abortion in Situations Involving Incest or Sexual Violence by an Unknown Aggressor

Identification of the novel Ido1 imprinted locus and its potential epigenetic role in pregnancy loss

Management of cancer during pregnancy and current evidence of obstetric, neonatal and pediatric outcome: a review article

Three-Versus Two-Dimensional Sonographic Biometry in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy for Predicting Birth Weight and Macrosomia in Diabetic Pregnancies

Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes among Obese Pregnant Women in King Abdulaziz University Hospital: A Retrospective Single-Center Medical Record Review

Silencing of maternal hepatic glucocorticoid receptor is essential for normal fetal development in mice

More Pregnancy Results 임신 결과 sentence examples

Editorial Comment: Portable model for vasectomy reversal training

(Nie)dopuszczalne ograniczanie liczby potomstwa? Refleksja o aborcji w świadomości społecznej Polaków (na podstawie badań opinii publicznej)

46, XY, t(10;17) (p13;q22 ) Resiprokal translokasyon ve tekrarlayan gebelik kayıpları: Olgu Sunumu

Pharmacokinetics of oral tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in pregnancy and lactation: a systematic review.

Is There a Difference in Terms of Perinatal Outcomes Between Fresh and Frozen Embryo Transfers

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Pregnancy Results 임신 결과

Pregnancy Results 임신 결과
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