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P–032 Assessment of embryonic developmental outcome of direct unequal cleavage in patients with non-obstructive azoospermia and/or obstructive azoospermia

One-year prospective nerve conduction study of thalidomide neuropathy in lupus erythematosus: Incidence, coasting effect and drug plasma levels

Arsenic exposure and metabolism in relation to blood pressure changes in pregnant women.

Heat Shock Proteins: Potential Modulators and Candidate Biomarkers of Peripartum Cardiomyopathy

Development and frozen-thawed transfer of non-pronuclear zygotes-derived embryos in IVF cycles.

Website advertising of IVF add‐ons: Does PGT‐A live up to its billing?

Revisiting debates of premature luteinization and its effect on assisted reproductive technology outcome

Chronic pain, pain severity and analgesia use in Australian women of reproductive age.

Influence of maternal microbiota during pregnancy on infant immunity

Breast cancer, placenta and pregnancy.

Soluble HLA-G and TGF-β in couples attending assisted reproduction - A possible role of TGF-β isoforms in semen?

Prognostic Impact of Pregnancy in Korean Patients with Breast Cancer.

Abstract 4914: Pregnancy and breast cancer outcomes

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Pregnancy Potential 임신 가능성

Pregnancy Potential 임신 가능성
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