Discover more insights into Pregnancy Outcomes 임신 결과

Pregnancy Outcomes sentence examples within low birth weight

Indirect effects of COVID-19 on maternal, neonatal, child, sexual and reproductive health services in Kampala, Uganda

Plasmodium falciparum VAR2CSA-Specific IgG Subclass Responses Reflect Protection Against Low Birth Weight and Pregnancy-Associated Malaria

Pregnancy Outcomes sentence examples within fetal growth restriction

Understanding the uterine artery Doppler waveform and its relationship to spiral artery remodelling.

The role of oligohydramnios and fetal growth restriction in adverse pregnancy outcomes in preeclamptic patients.

Pregnancy Outcomes sentence examples within frozen thawed embryo

[Impact of previous cesarean delivery on pregnancy outcomes of in vitro fertilization and frozen-thawed embryo transfer].

Clinical Outcomes of Sildenafil Application in Patients of Poor Endometrial Development

Pregnancy Outcomes sentence examples within gestational weight gain

Association between gestational weight gain in women with gestational diabetes mellitus and adverse pregnancy outcomes: a retrospective cohort study

Clinical characteristics, gestational weight gain and pregnancy outcomes in women with a history of gestational diabetes mellitus

Pregnancy Outcomes sentence examples within intracytoplasmic sperm injection

Development and validation of a model for individualized prediction of cervical insufficiency risks in patients undergoing IVF/ICSI treatment

O-209 The impact of sperm DNA fragmentation on pregnancy outcomes depends on oocyte dimorphisms

Pregnancy Outcomes sentence examples within polycystic ovary syndrome

Women with PCOS with a History of Early Pregnancy Loss Show a Higher Risk of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

P–590 Women with hypothalamic hypogonadism have lower live birth rates following frozen embryo transfer

Pregnancy Outcomes sentence examples within frozen embryo transfer

Duration of estradiol supplementation in luteal phase support for frozen embryo transfer in hormone replacement treatment cycles: a randomized, controlled phase III trial

Effects of atosiban on uterine peristalsis following frozen embryo transfer: A randomized controlled trial.

Pregnancy Outcomes sentence examples within assisted reproductive technology

Effect of male age on pregnancy and neonatal outcomes in the first frozen‐thawed embryo transfer cycles of IVF/ICSI treatment

Effect of Y Chromosome Microdeletions on the Pregnancy Outcome of Assisted Reproduction Technology: a Meta-analysis

Pregnancy Outcomes sentence examples within body mass index


Utility of modified mid-pregnancy body mass index in predicting obstetric outcomes in Middle Eastern population

Pregnancy Outcomes sentence examples within inflammatory bowel disease

Safety of anti-TNF agents in pregnancy.

Fusobacterium nucleatum Pleural Empyema in a Patient with Progressive Rheumatoid Arthritis and Immunosuppression

Pregnancy Outcomes sentence examples within severe acute respiratory

Pregnancy outcomes among SARS-CoV-2-infected pregnant women with and without underlying diseases: a case-control study

The Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology Coronavirus Disease 2019 Registry: An Analysis of Outcomes Among Pregnant Women Delivering During the Initial Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 Outbreak in the United States

Pregnancy Outcomes sentence examples within gonadotropin releasing hormone

Pretreatment With a Long-acting GnRH Agonist in Early Follicular Phase Increases Clinical Pregnancy Rate in Frozen-thawed Embryo Transfer Cycles

Effects of artificial cycles with and without gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist pretreatment on frozen embryo transfer outcomes in patients with adenomyosis

Pregnancy Outcomes sentence examples within maternal fetal interface

BCG-trained innate immunity leads to fetal growth restriction by altering immune cell profile in the mouse developing placenta.

Innate immune signaling in trophoblast and decidua organoids defines differential antiviral defenses at the maternal-fetal interface

Pregnancy Outcomes sentence examples within prospective cohort study

The association between persistent maternal hypotension and small for gestational age neonates.

Pregnancy Outcomes and Child Development Effects of SARS-CoV-2 Infection (PROUDEST Trial): Protocol for a Multicenter, Prospective Cohort Study

Pregnancy Outcomes sentence examples within clinical pregnancy rate

Comparison of Vaginal Progesterone Gel Combined with Oral Dydrogesterone versus Intramuscular Progesterone for Luteal Support in hormone replacement therapy-frozen embryo transfer Cycle.

The effect of paternal age on intracytoplasmic sperm injection outcome in unexplained infertility

Pregnancy Outcomes sentence examples within retrospective cohort study

Аналіз результатів ретроспективного когортного дослідження перебігу вагітностей, пологів та післяпологового періоду у пацієнток з групи високого перинатального ризику для виявлення факторів несприятливих наслідків та побудови прогностичної моделі плодови

Comparison of preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy versus intracytoplasmic sperm injection in severe male infertility

Pregnancy Outcomes sentence examples within pre pregnancy body

Impact of body mass index before pregnancy and weight gain during pregnancy on pregnancy outcomes


Pregnancy Outcomes sentence examples within advanced maternal age

P–620 Evaluation of pregnancy and live birth outcomes at the Hewitt Fertility Centre for three newly introduced recombinant gonadotropins when compared to human menopausal gonadotropin


Pregnancy Outcomes sentence examples within low dose aspirin

Low-dose aspirin in pregnancy: who? when? how much? and why?

The Evidence of Aspirin Use in Prevention of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes (APOs): Should It Be Continued Long Term After an APO?

Pregnancy Outcomes sentence examples within sexually transmitted infection

Sexual and reproductive health information and referrals for resettled refugee women: A survey of resettlement agencies in the United States

Mycoplasma genitalium; pregnant women; azithromycin; macrolide resistance; 23S rRNA gene mutations; KwaZulu-Natal.

Pregnancy Outcomes sentence examples within fasting plasma glucose

Fasting plasma glucose in the first trimester is related to gestational diabetes mellitus and adverse pregnancy outcomes

Application of online-offline integrated medical care management in patients with gestational diabetes.

Pregnancy Outcomes sentence examples within recurrent spontaneous abortion

Sinomenine Improves Embryo Survival by Regulating Th1/Th2 Balance in a Mouse Model of Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion

Pharmacological activation of rev-erbα suppresses LPS-induced macrophage M1 polarization and prevents pregnancy loss

Pregnancy Outcomes sentence examples within public health problem

Prevalence and associated factors of adolescent pregnancy (15–19 years) in East Africa: a multilevel analysis

Prevalence and determinants of anemia among pregnant women in East Africa; A multi-level analysis of recent Demographic and Health Surveys

Pregnancy Outcomes sentence examples within coronavirus disease 2019

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic and Pregnancy Outcomes in a U.S. Population

Association of SARS-CoV-2 Test Status and Pregnancy Outcomes

Pregnancy Outcomes sentence examples within preimplantation genetic testing

P–602 Pregnancy outcomes of progestin primed ovarian stimulation protocol, GnRH antagonist protocol and GnRH agonist protocol for young patients undergoing PGT-M

A comprehensive and universal approach for embryo testing in patients with different genetic disorders

Pregnancy Outcomes sentence examples within intrauterine growth restriction

Melatonin-MT1 signal is essential for endometrial decidualization.

Evidence for Prophylactic Transfusion during Pregnancy for Women with Sickle Cell Disease

Pregnancy Outcomes sentence examples within women undergoing assisted

The vaginal microbiota composition of women undergoing assisted reproduction: a prospective cohort study.

Oxytocin antagonists for assisted reproduction.

Pregnancy Outcomes sentence examples within hormone replacement therapy

Systematic analysis of experimental and clinical pharmacology of micronized progesterone preparations

New concepts and difficulties with progesterone supplementation in the luteal phase

Pregnancy Outcomes sentence examples within controlled ovarian stimulation

Do follicular fluid advanced glycation end products levels affect the ovarian response in unexplained infertility?

P–652 Higher live birth rates with controlled ovarian stimulation vs. natural cycles in donor sperm IUI

Pregnancy Outcomes sentence examples within live birth rate