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Pregnancy Duration sentence examples within Shorter Pregnancy Duration

Developmental origins of secondary school dropout in rural India and its differential consequences by sex: A biosocial life-course analysis

Re: Vaginal delivery in women with a low‐lying placenta: a systematic review and meta‐analysis

Pregnancy Duration sentence examples within Longer Pregnancy Duration

Wellbeing of Breastfeeding Women in Australia and New Zealand during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study

Suture thickness and transvaginal cervical cerclage outcomes.

A better quality of maternal dietary fat reduces the chance of large-for-gestational-age infants: A prospective cohort study.

Electrocardiographic Aspects of Singleton Pregnancy and Neonatal Period in American Miniature Horse Breed

Nutrient supplementation among pregnant women in China: an observational study.

Preterm Delivery and Long-Term Risk of Stroke in Women

Uterine artery Doppler for the prediction of outcome in pregnancies complicated by hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.

Breastfeeding While Pregnant: A Country-Wide Population Study.

Neonatal outcomes in case of euglycemic control in gestational diabetes using insulin versus metformin. Randomized controlled trial

Demographics of Positional Plagiocephaly and Brachycephaly; Risk Factors and Treatment.

Compliance with gestational weight gain recommendations in a cross-sectional study of term pregnancies - how far reality falls from the standard?

Cervical cerclage for Pregnant Women at High-risk of Recurrent Preterm Birth can act beyond its Mechanical Action

Ease impact of age on stress related complications in pregnancy

Stillbirth or neonatal death before 45 post-menstrual weeks in relation to gestational duration in pregnancies at 39 weeks or beyond: the impact of parity and body mass index. A national cohort study.

Use of Plastic Packages for Food and Liquids in a prospective cohort of pregnant patients – Association analyses with birthweight and pregnancy duration

Maternal Total Cortisol Levels in Early Pregnancy Depends on Fetal Sexual Dimorphism. But Finally No Association With Birth Weight

Higher Sun Exposure in the First Trimester Is Associated With Reduced Preterm Birth; A Scottish Population Cohort Study Using Linked Maternity and Meteorological Records

P–763 Neonatal outcomes of the first 65 infants delivered after IVF treatment with progestin-primed ovarian stimulation using dienogest in patients with endometriosis

The impact of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions on pregnancy duration and outcomes in Melbourne, Australia.

More Pregnancy Duration 임신 기간 sentence examples


Gestational and Neonatal Outcomes of a New Three-Step Procedure for Emergency Cerclage

Asymptomatic Bacteriuria among Pregnant Women Attending Tertiary Care Hospital in Lucknow, India

High Prevalence of Low Birth Weight Babies Born to Pregnant Women Referred to a District Hospital in Rural Zambia

The Ratón Pérez collection: Modern deciduous human teeth at the Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana (Burgos, Spain).

Pregnancy in a Female Ferret Following Treatment with a Deslorelin Implant: A Case Report

Estrogen‐Containing Oral Contraceptives Are Associated With Polycystic Liver Disease Severity in Premenopausal Patients

Relation of in-utero exposure to antiepileptic drugs to pregnancy duration and size at birth

More Pregnancy Duration 임신 기간 sentence examples

Correlation of Pregnancy Duration, Litter Size, Birth Weight and Sex Ratio of Saburai Goat In Sumberejo Subdistrict, Tanggamus Regency, Indonesia

Variants in the fetal genome near pro-inflammatory cytokine genes on 2q13 associate with gestational duration

Therapy of retained fetal membranes in cattle: Comparison of two treatment protocols.

Path analyses of risk factors for linear growth faltering in four prospective cohorts of young children in Ghana, Malawi and Burkina Faso

Cervicovaginal Inflammatory Cytokines, Obesity and Inter-Pregnancy Interval Negatively Affect Pregnancy Duration in Pregnant Women at High-Risk for Recurrent Spontaneous Preterm Birth

Maternal Serum Angiogenic Factor sFlt-1 to PlGF Ratio in Preeclampsia: A Useful Marker for Differential Diagnosis and Prognosis Evaluation in Chinese Women

Systematic Review of Prevalence of Antepartum Depression during the Trimesters of Pregnancy

Associations of Maternal Cell-Phone Use During Pregnancy With Pregnancy Duration and Fetal Growth in 4 Birth Cohorts

Relation of in-utero exposure to antiepileptic drugs to pregnancy duration and size at birth

Delivery outcomes in women with congenital heart disease: results from the Cuban National Programme for pregnancy and heart disease

Reproductive Biology of Bothrops atrox (Serpentes, Viperidae, Crotalinae) from the Brazilian Amazon

Analyzing missing data in perinatal pharmacoepidemiology research: Methodological considerations to limit the risk of bias.

Pregnancy duration and endometrial cancer risk: nationwide cohort study

Maternal dietary selenium intake is associated with increased gestational length and decreased risk of preterm delivery

Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling to Characterize Acetaminophen Pharmacokinetics and N-Acetyl-p-Benzoquinone Imine (NAPQI) Formation in Non-Pregnant and Pregnant Women

Learn more from Pregnancy Duration 임신 기간

Pregnancy Duration 임신 기간

Pregnancy Duration 임신 기간
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