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CT pulmonary angiography in pregnancy: Specific conversion factors to estimate effective radiation dose from dose length product: A retrospective cross-sectional study across a multi-hospital integrated healthcare network.

Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and cardiometabolic indices during pregnancy: the HOME Study

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Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and cardiometabolic indices during pregnancy: The HOME Study.

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Maternal diseases and risk of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy across gestational age groups.

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Spatial distribution and determinants of the change in pre-lacteal feeding practice over time in Ethiopia: A spatial and multivariate decomposition analysis

Gestational Anemia and its effects on neonatal outcome, in the population of Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan

Maternal diet, depression and antidepressant treatment in pregnancy and across the first 12 months postpartum in the MPEWS pregnancy cohort study: Perinatal diet, depression and antidepressant use.

Evaluation of CTPA interpreted as limited in pregnant patients suspected for pulmonary embolism

Breastfeeding, Antidepressants, and Depression in the Mercy Pregnancy and Emotional Well-Being Study

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Pregnancy Across 임신

Pregnancy Across 임신
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