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Powder Materials sentence examples within selective laser melting

A Comprehensive Study of Steel Powders (316L, H13, P20 and 18Ni300) for Their Selective Laser Melting Additive Manufacturing

Residual Stress-induced Distortions in Laser Powder Bed Additive Manufacturing of Nickel-based Superalloys

Powder Materials sentence examples within Raw Powder Materials

Effect of Time and Temperature on the Extraction of Cordyceps militaris in Pilot Scale

Processing of Alumina Reinforced Copper Metal Matrix Composite by Selective Laser Melting Technology

Powder Materials sentence examples within Different Powder Materials

Development of metallic 3d-printed water hydraulic proportional directional control valve

Waste-Based porous materials as water reservoirs for the internal curing of Concrete. A review

Powder Materials sentence examples within Variou Powder Materials

Liquid Migration in the Paste as the Result of Consolidation


Powder Materials sentence examples within Metallic Powder Materials

Improved Process Efficiency in Laser-Based Powder Bed Fusion of Nanoparticle Coated Maraging Tool Steel Powder

Computational-Experimental Method for Determining Empirical Coefficients of the Equation of Pressing Powder Materials

Powder Materials sentence examples within Metal Powder Materials

On the Relation Between Pressing Energy and Green Strength at Compaction of Hard Metal Powders

Formation of mixes with specified characteristics from the available small batches of multicomponent mixes, subject to their full use

Powder Materials sentence examples within Composite Powder Materials

Pore structure characteristics and performance of construction waste composite powder-modified concrete

Production of Composite Titanium Diboride Powder Materials and Coatings

Powder Materials sentence examples within Structural Powder Materials

On some prospects for further development of Academician V.N. Antsiferov ideas in the field of structural powder materials

О некоторых перспективах развития идей академика В.Н. Анциферова в области конструкционных порошковых материалов

Powder Materials sentence examples within Initial Powder Materials

Выпрямляющие свойства гетероструктур на основе фуллерена и гибридного цинкового комплекса

Laser sintering of Si-SiC composite layers

Powder Materials sentence examples within Sintered Powder Materials

Regularities of the influence of submicron ceramic powders TiO2, AlN, Cr2O3 on the tribological properties of a friction material

Liquid-Phase Sintering of Aluminum-Based Alloys with Additive of Products of Direct Reduction of Iron Ore

Powder Materials sentence examples within Melt Powder Materials

Effect of process parameters on thin-wall distortion in selective laser melting

Microstructure evolution during selective laser melting of metallic materials: A review

Powder Materials sentence examples within Ultrafine Powder Materials

Effect of Energy on the Phase Composition of the Product of Arc Discharge Synthesis in the Tungsten–Carbon System Obtained in a Self-Shielding Autonomous Gas Environment

Analysis And Synthesis of Functional Coatings by High-Speed Laser Processing of Ultrafine Powder Compositions

Powder Materials sentence examples within Waste Powder Materials

Long-term durability of self-compacting high-performance concrete produced with waste materials

The impact of time on the heat resistance of self-compacting high-performance concrete incorporated with recycled martials

Powder Materials sentence examples within Steel Powder Materials

Application of Laser-Based Powder Bed Fusion for Direct Metal Tooling

Effect of Powder Type and Particles Size on Microstructure of Selective Laser Sintered Parts

Powder Materials sentence examples within Bulk Powder Materials

Calculation of the Sizes of Output Openings of Gravity Feeders for Volumetric Discrete Dosing of Powder Bulk Materials

From bulk to nano: A comparative investigation of structural, ferroelectric and magnetic properties of Sm and Ti co-doped BiFeO3 multiferroics

Powder Materials sentence examples within powder materials analysi

Features of Microelements Express-determination in Medicinal and Nonoficinal Plants by X-Ray-Fluorescence Analysis

Особенности экспресс-определения микроэлементов в лекарственных и неофицинальных растениях

Powder Materials sentence examples within powder materials together

Effect of process parameters on thin-wall distortion in selective laser melting

Microstructure evolution during selective laser melting of metallic materials: A review

Powder Materials sentence examples within powder materials suitable


Structure and properties of powders obtained by electrodispersion of corrosion-resistant metal waste in kerosine

Powder Materials sentence examples within powder materials get

Evaluation of bonding integrity of hybrid-built AlSi10Mg-aluminium alloys parts using the powder bed fusion process

Development and creation of zeta potential reference material of the particles in a liquid medium

Abrasive Powder Materials with Wear-Resistant and Magnetic Components

Heavy metals analysis, GCMS-QP quantification of flavonoids, amino acids and saponins, analysis of tannins and organoleptic properties of powder and tincture of Echinacea purpurea (L.) and Rhapónticum carthamoídes

Electrospun magnetic polyacrylonitrile-GO hybrid nanofibers for removing Cr(VI) from water

Investigation and analysis of corn cob, coir pith with wood plastic composites

Release kinetics of multi-nutrients from volcanic rock mining by-products: Evidences for their use as a soil remineralizer

Clad TiCrC(Ni) Composite Powders for Thermal Spraying of Coatings

Correlation Between Granule Strength and Green Strength at Compaction of Cemented Carbide Powder Materials

On the wrong assignment of the XPS O1s signal at 531–532 eV attributed to oxygen vacancies in photo- and electro-catalysts for water splitting and other materials applications

More Powder Materials 분말 재료 sentence examples

A non-linear transform approach for conduction-radiation heat transfer in the extended thermal discrete element method

Combined Use of SHS and SPS: Important Mechanistic Details

Oxide Evolution During the Solidification of 316L Stainless Steel from Additive Manufacturing Powders with Different Oxygen Contents

About design and use of powder plain bearings

More Powder Materials 분말 재료 sentence examples

Improvement of Buckling Behavior of Composite Plates Reinforced with Hybrids Nanomaterials Additives

More Powder Materials 분말 재료 sentence examples

Progress of Laser Cladding Wear Resistant Coating on Titanium Alloy Surface: A Review

Two-Channel System With Brightness Amplification for Monitoring the Combustion of Aluminum-Based Nanopowders

Restoration of Die Equipment by Laser Cladding Using Robotic Complex FL-CLAD–R-4

Layered double hydroxide as multifunctional materials for environmental remediation: from chemical pollutants to microorganisms

High Bending Strength Hypereutectic Al-22Si-0.2Fe-0.1Cu-Re Alloy Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting

Investigation of the Reaction Thermal Effects in Al-Ni-FeOx Energetic Nanopowder Material

Additive manufacturing (AM) of piercing punches by the PBF method of metal 3D printing using mold steel powder materials

On the Fractography and Some Strength Properties of Fe-Based Sintered Materials with Multicomponent Oxide Microadditives

Fractal analysis of disperse systems

Bonding and wear behaviors of supersonic plasma sprayed Fe-based coatings on Al-Si alloy substrate

Revisiting the Applicability Question of G.V. Samsonov’s Activated Sintering Concept in Studying Deformation Processes of Powder Materials

Electrical energy consumption and mechanical properties of selective-laser-melting-produced 316L stainless steel samples using various processing parameters

Optical and electronic properties in ferroelectric barium titanate-based compounds