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Effects of metal-polymer complexation on structure and transport properties of metal-substituted polyelectrolyte membranes.

A Tunable Morphing Polyelectrolyte System for Smart Ocular Applications

Analytical Cryo-Scanning Electron Microscopy of Hydrated Polymers and Microgels.

Development of Multifunctional Coating of Textile Materials Using Silver Microencapsulated Compositions

Effect of a copolymer poly(4-styrenesufonic acid-co-maleic acid) sodium salt on aggregation behavior of surface active ionic liquid 1-tetradecyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide and structurally similar conventional surfactant tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide in aqueous media

Ion Transport and the True Transference Number in Nonaqueous Polyelectrolyte Solutions for Lithium Ion Batteries

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Polyelectrolyte System 고분자 전해질 시스템

Polyelectrolyte System 고분자 전해질 시스템
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