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Polyelectrolyte Gels sentence examples within Weak Polyelectrolyte Gels

Modeling of weak polyelectrolyte hydrogels under compression – Implications for water desalination

Simulations of ionization equilibria in weak polyelectrolyte solutions and gels.

Polyelectrolyte Gels: Fundamentals, Fabrication and Applications

Revisiting Thin-Layer Electrochemistry in a Chip-Type Cell for the Study of Electroorganic Reactions

Polyelectrolyte Gels: A Unique Class of Soft Materials

Cell Model Approaches for Predicting the Swelling and Mechanical Properties of Polyelectrolyte Gels.

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Polyelectrolyte Gels 고분자 전해질 젤

Polyelectrolyte Gels 고분자 전해질 젤
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