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Political Islam sentence examples within political islam ideology

The Unholy Alliance of Islamic Populism and Political Entrepeneur in Jakarta Election: The Aftermath Implications


Political Islam, European Muslim and Terrorism Issues: A Reflection

“And What is ‘The East’? Let us Better Say: ‘The Easts’”. Interview with Alexey V. Malashenko: On Teachers, Student Life, “Natural Selection” in Academic Research, and Arabic Literature

Inter-religious Harmony between Hindu Muslim Groups in Nepal

Secularism in the Arab World: Contexts, Ideas and Consequences. By Aziz al-Azmeh. Translated by David Bond. Modern Muslim Thinkers in Translation. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2020. Pp. 529. $85.00 (cloth); $85.00 (digital). ISBN: 9781474447461.

Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the Forty-Year Rivalry that Unraveled Culture, Religion, and Collective Memory in the Middle East

The growth of Political Islam in Egypt (The Islamic Brotherhood Movement – IBM as a model)

Identity: contemporary identity politics and the struggle for recognition

When a Coterie Becomes a Generation: Intellectual Sociability and the Narrative of Generational Change in Sayyid Qutb’s Egypt

Changing Character of Political Islam in Pakistan

On the Question of Moderate Islam

Elham Manea’s The Perils of Nonviolent Islamism: An Indispensable Contribution to Our Understanding of a Complex Phenomenon

Global Religious History as a Rhizome: Colonial Panics and Political Islam in German East Africa

The Making of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Faith Brand

Islam, política y poder en Marruecos

Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (Pas) in Malaysia Politics: A History of Tuan Guru Nik Aziz’s Scholarship and Leadership in Establishing an Islamic State in Kelantan

Islamism, Political Islam, and the Need for Critique

Rawlsian Liberal Pluralism and Political Islam: Friends or Foes?

Overthrowing the Queen, telling stories of welfare in America

Book review: Hilal Ahmed, Siyasi Muslims: A Story of Political Islams in India

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Europe and the Muslims: Debating the Foundations of State Policy

Transnational Solidarity of Salafi ʿUlama

Translation and feminism in post-Islamic revolution Iran: A sociological approach

Political Islam: A 40 Year Retrospective

Women’s Political Representation in Indonesia: Who Wins and How?

Peta Perkembangan Wacana Intelektual Islam Nusantara Abad VII-XXI: Sebuah Analisis Historis

Political Islam: Violent and Non-violent Approaches

Emiratos Emiratos Árabes Unidos en Oriente Medio. Antiislamismo, militarismo y estrategia de presión múltiple

How Global Jihad Relocalises and Where it Leads. The Case of HTS, the Former AQ Franchise in Syria

France: Republic against «Political Islam» (Part II)


Surveilling and Criminalizing Austrian Muslims: The Case of ‘Political Islam’

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State-Formation, Statist Islam, and Regime Instability

Secular Perspective on The Islamic Political Discourses in Indonesia: A Critical Analysis

The Secular Bias and the Study of Religious Politics

‘Good Muslim, bad Muslim’ in Togo: religious minority identity construction amid a sociopolitical crisis (2017–2018)

Militarisation of citizenship education curriculum in Turkey

Political Islam in Tunisia: the history of Ennahda

Civilization as Disciplinization and the Consequences for Religion and World Politics

The Resurgence of Ideology in Indonesia: Political Islam, Aliran and Political Behaviour

Muslim Brotherhood, Social Justice and Resentment

Ethnographers, Functionaries, Mullahs, and the Making of “Muslims”

Globalization, the Media, and Islamist Jihad

Freedom in Islamic Political Thought and Justice and Its Islamist Agents

Historical legacies and gender attitudes in the Middle East

Communist Parties in the Middle East: 100 Years of History

State and Labour under AKP Rule in Turkey: An Appraisal


Indonesia’s security forces

Islam and the Nigeria quandary: history, politics and reform

The Institutional Foundations of Religious Politics: Evidence from Indonesia

Justice Versus Freedom: The Dilemma of Political Islam

The ethnic Chinese in Indonesia and Malaysia: the challenge of political Islam

The making of the ‘new’ patriarch in women’s self-narrations of political empowerment: the case of local female AKP politicians in the aftermath of 2009 elections

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The Gulf States’ Assistance to Egypt after the 2011 Revolution: Logic, Dynamics, Systemic Impact

Analysing the Institution of Caliphate in the Context of Political Islamists

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Дерадикализация исламизма: опыт Саудовской Аравии

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Al-Azhar University in the Events of the Arab Spring (Case of Egypt)

On the Conflict of the End of History between Islamic Caliphate and Global Liberalism: From the Perspective of Thought and Public Opinion Leaders in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Understanding Hegemony of Caste in Political Islam and Sufism in Sindh, Pakistan

Tribes and Political Islam

From ‘clients’ to ‘magnates’: the (not so) curious case of Islamic authoritarianism in Turkey

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Терпение как искусство скрывать нетерпимость, или Долгосрочная стратегия Братьев-мусульман по изменению Ближнего Востока

Tracing the Path of Islamic Political Movements in Indonesia

An Unlikely Champion of Women’s Rights under Muslim Personal Law: Mawdudi on Anglo-Muhammadan Law

Turkish political Islam’s failure

The Role of Political Islam in Egyptian Democratic Experience

Ilú Keké – Transmisión en la eritá meta

Indonesian Islamic Socialism and its South Asian Roots

An Unlikely Champion of Women’s Rights under Muslim Personal Law:

The Internal-External Dialectic: The Political and the Economic in the Foreign Policy of Turkey’s Refah Party

Cold war era relations between West Germany and Turkish political Islam: from an anti-communist alliance to a domestic security issue

Post-Islamism: Ideological Delusions and Sociological Realities

Cold war era relations between West Germany and Turkish political Islam: from an anti-communist alliance to a domestic security issue

Learn more from Political Islam 정치적 이슬람

Political Islam 정치적 이슬람

Political Islam 정치적 이슬람
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