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Policy Narratives sentence examples within Foreign Policy Narratives

“This barbaric terrorist organization”: Orientalism and Barack Obama’s language on ISIS

The Illusion of the China-US-Europe Strategic Triangle: Reactions from Germany and the UK

Policy Narratives sentence examples within Public Policy Narratives

The short life of a concept: tourismphobia in the Spanish media. Narratives, actors and agendas

Penser global, Agir local: les politiques symboliques du nouveau municipalisme à Barcelone, Cadix et Valence

Public contestation over agricultural pollution: a discourse network analysis on narrative strategies in the policy process

Policy narratives, localisation, and public justification: responses to COVID-19

Why should the EU implement electric vehicles? Viewing the relationship between evidence and dominant policy solutions through the lens of complexity

Evidence-Based Message Strategies to Increase Public Support for State Investment in Early Childhood Education: Results from a Longitudinal Panel Experiment.

Narrative plots for regulatory, distributive, and redistributive policies

Does evaluation quality enhance evaluation use?

Regional bioeconomies: public finance and sustainable policy narratives

Narratives in power and policy design: the case of border management and external migration controls in Italy

Why does the European Union produce biofuels? Examining consistency and plausibility in prevailing narratives with quantitative storytelling

Policy narrative, policy understanding and policy support intention: a survey experiment on energy conservation

A Mismatch in Future Narratives? A Comparative Analysis Between Energy Futures in Policy and of Citizens

The Politics of Hunger in an SDG Era: Food Policy in Malawi

Backed into a corner: challenging media and policy representations of youth citizenship in the UK


Of myths and monitoring: learner-centred education as a political project in Scotland

Designing the Export of Nurses: Whither “Asian Values” in the Emigration Policies of the Philippines?

‘Modern-Day Fagins’, ‘Gaudy Mansions’ and ‘Increasing Numbers’: Narratives on Roma Migrants in the Build-Up to the British EU Referendum

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Policy Narratives 정책 내러티브

Policy Narratives 정책 내러티브
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