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Optimum Speckle Tracking Based on Ultrafast Ultrasound for Improving Blood Flow Velocimetry

A Plane-wave Reuse for the Three-angle Coherent Compound Doppler to Improve the Blood Flow Velocity Measurement

Plane wave beamforming with adaptively weighted frequency compound using bandpass filtering

Minimum Variance Combined With Modified Delay Multiply-and-Sum Beamforming for Plane-Wave Compounding

Plane-Wave Ultrasound Beamforming Through Independent Component Analysis

Retrospective Transmit Beamforming and Coherent Plane-Wave Compounding for Microvascular Doppler Imaging: A Comparison Study

An adaptive imaging method for ultrasound coherent plane-wave compounding based on the polar coherence factor

Pixel-reassignment in Ultrasound Imaging

Characteristics of Minimum Variance Beamformer for Frequency and Plane-wave Compounding

Plane-Wave Image Reconstruction via Generative Adversarial Network and Attention Mechanism

Towards Diffuse Beamforming For Specular Reflectors: A Pixel-Level Reflection Tuned Apodization Scheme For Ultrasound Imaging

Low-cost volumetric imaging with large footprint 11x11-element matrix array probe on a 128 channel ultrasound research scanner

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Plane Wave Compounding 평면파 합성

Plane Wave Compounding 평면파 합성
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