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Photonic Qubits sentence examples within Encoded Photonic Qubits

Femtosecond laser direct writing of an integrated path-encoded CNOT quantum gate

Towards long-distance quantum communication using trapped ions and frequency qubits

Photonic Qubits sentence examples within Two Photonic Qubits

Effect of atmosphere turbulence on the decay of orbital angular momentum entanglement state of light using the Hermite-Gaussian (HG) vortex beam encoding

Can a universal quantum cloner be used to design an experimentally feasible near-deterministic CNOT gate?

Photonic Qubits sentence examples within Polarization Photonic Qubits


High purity single photons entangled with an atomic qubit.

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Photonic Qubits sentence examples within photonic qubits encoded

Realization of the quantum CNOT gate based on multiphoton process in multimode Cavity QED

Efficient quantum memory of orbital angular momentum qubits in cold atoms

A dynamic quantum memory

Nondestructive detection of photonic qubits

Two-photon controlled-phase gates enabled by photonic dimers

Teleportation-Based Photonic Quantum Computing Using a Single Controllable Qubit

Dynamic control of Purcell enhanced emission of erbium ions in nanoparticles

Realization of quantum SWAP gate and preparation for entangled coherent state based on optical microcavity

Quantum Interfaces to the Nanoscale.

All-optical long-distance quantum communication with Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill qubits

Trapped Ions Towards Quantum Networking

Experimental investigation of partially entangled states for device-independent randomness generation and self-testing protocols

Quantum coherence and correlations in photonic qubits and photoactive hybrid organometallic Perovskite systems

Perspective: Toward large-scale fault-tolerant universal photonic quantum computing

Simulations of Nanoscale Room-Temperature Waveguide-Coupled Single-Photon Avalanche Detectors for Silicon-Photonic Sensing and Quantum Applications

Multimode interferometry for entangling atoms in quantum networks

Advances in quantum dense coding

Entanglement Between a Photonic Time-Bin Qubit and a Collective Atomic Spin Excitation

Quantum tomography of electrical currents

Entanglement Between a Photonic Time-Bin Qubit and a Collective Atomic Spin Excitation

Quantum state tomography of ultrafast optical pulses at telecom wavelength by broadband balanced homodyne detection

Direct entanglement measurement of Werner state with cavity-assisted spin–photon interaction system

A robust W-state encoding for linear quantum optics

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Photonic Qubits 광자 큐비트

Photonic Qubits 광자 큐비트
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